Chapter 6|Big Bad Brother

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Word Count: 1868

Kira POV

So after listening to the most boring thing of my life, and then being dragged out of the house in just a pair of shorts & a t-shirt.

We finally came back to Matt's house, which by the way still felt too huge for me while being blind. Didn't help that there were like 30-50 bags sitting around my room, Rebecca was helping me put them away and I was surprised to find that there was a braille store that sold stickers for clothes and things around the house.

Rebecca spent 2 hours explaining to me which braille ment what and what braille never to mix with another, and what went good together so I didn't mess up my outfits because I couldn't see the ACTUAL color of what I was wearing.

So basically it was a list of items I can wear next to what I grabbed it was a pretty big notebook but I thanked her and just sat in my room. I had 3 hours before I had to get ready for a dinner Matt was hosting and apparently I was "expected" to be there and I wasn't at all excited at the fact I would be surrounded by more people I couldn't see.

I felt my clock, since Rebecca was nice enough to buy me a alarm clock that was for people who were blind but it could be used as a normal alarm clock though. Turns out it was 6:30 and I had an hour to get ready since people would start arriving at 7:30, apparently I had to wear a dress which I wasn't good at since I didn't know what looked good on me.

I opened the book Rebecca "made" me after a quick inspection she left me a page with a list of things that would look good on my "skin" tone apparently. I was actually a little happy she went out of her way to explain what would look good on me and what wouldn't, last thing I needed what Matt's family to look at me wrong...he bought me after all I should be able to take care of myself.

After ALMOST...Almost cracking my head open in the shower cause I forgot where the door was. I made it out alive which was good on my part since I managed not to hurt myself, that made me smile. I was horrible at taking showers alone, but I always managed to do so because I was scared of what my mother would say or do if I didn't look respectful enough.

I started feeling my dressers and the tall "armour" was what Rebecca called it, I managed to find where dresses were. The notebook told me that I should wear white & it should be appropriate length and not show off too much, on the back of each of my clothing items there were little details like.

-High Boob Coverage/Medium/Low
-High Back coverage/Medium/Low

Basically it helped me figure out what I liked or didn't like, I felt the different textured and I soon figured out everything that was in my closet. I ended up grabbing the white lace dress that had full coverage because it felt appropriate enough, but still in my mind I thought it was cute even if I couldn't see it.

  I ended up grabbing the white lace dress that had full coverage because it felt appropriate enough, but still in my mind I thought it was cute even if I couldn't see it

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