Chapter 2

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They Say Love Hides Behind Every Corner. I Must Be Walking in Circles.

 Chapter 2

"I raise you one Snickers for a Twix," Maddie stated, throwing the candy into the pile. I glanced at my cards and smiled secretly. There was no way I was going to lose! With my cards? I don't think so, sucker!

"Deal!" I exclaimed. I love Snickers. They're absolutely the best candy in the whole-freaking-wide-world! And don't you dare say otherwise. If you do, I'll have Santa Claus come rape you in your sleep... yeah, you better be scared! I can be pretty darn intimidating-if I do say so myself.

We exchanged the candy and examined our separate piles of candy.

"Hey, how did you two get so much candy?" Ceci whined. "I barely filled half of my bag!"

"Um." I paused. "Persuasion..."

Really, Maddie and I attacked two unsuspecting eight-year olds from behind and stole all of their candy. I have to give the two idiots some props though-they did get us a lot of candy!

"Stop looking at me!" I cried out after Ceci raised an eyebrow at me.

Ceci raised an eyebrow. "How in the heck are you the older one?"

I shrugged. I really had no clue.

"Older siblings are supposed to be mature," she continued, "or at least more mature than you are!"

As annoyed as I was at that moment, the kid had a point. Ceci was thirteen, AKA the little sister, yet she had always been ten times as mature as me. I'm not sure if all the (what seemed to me to be) pointless crap she did made her more mature or just plain nerdy.

She makes these lists for everything, and I mean everything.

Things to do today!


Homework schedule!

Reasons I'm a total freak!

Okay, I came up with that last one, but still.

"I am me." I stated stubbornly.

Ceci rolled her eyes.

"I'm bored. Watching you guys exchange candy is no fun. Let's go to the mall!" Jasmine suddenly said, scaring the crap out of me. She was being so quiet; I actually forgot she was there. I know, I know, not nice. Oh well.

"Okay, let's get cracking!" I said, heading towards my door. I opened it, and out came an avalanche of clothes and other unmentionables. Oops. I guess this is the closet door... it was an honest mistake, alright? Gosh. "Aieee!" I shrieked, trying to take cover, but failing miserably. The clothes fell on me, knocking me to the ground. "Shit!"

Jasmine, Maddie, and Ceci rushed over. "Omigod, are you okay?" Jasmine asked me.

"I'm fine, just peachy!" I said, trying to push enough clothes off of me so I could move, but just like with my attempt to take cover, I failed miserably.

"Here, grab my hand!" Jasmine instructed.

I grabbed her hand, and Maddie got behind her.

They both pulled and pulled, until finally, I was released. The only flaw in their plan was that I had nowhere to fall but on them. Luckily, their big butts cushioned my fall.

"Oof!" I said as I fell, and they chorused, "Ouch!"

"Haha!" I pointed at them and laughed.

Maddie and Jasmine scowled.

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