Chapter 23

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A/N: .... IT'S HERE! I'm so sorry. Seriously. I know you guys must have hated me during the two freaking weeks that I didn't upload. I am such a meanie, aren't I? Okay, back to the story... here it is. I hope it's long-ish. I didn't really focus on the length as much as the plot, because as my Lit teacher has taught me, this would be one of the biggest climactic moments.

And I promise I will try REALLY, REALLY hard to upload more often. It'll be harder since I have basketball going on now, but I'll do it, I promise!

I don't think it's quite the end for Shay yet, seeing as there is much left to uncover, but we're getting there.

Vote, fan and comment and all that chizz, but most importantly, ENJOY! 


3 Quotes of the Two Weeks: (Haha)

1: "C'mon, what's with the cliffie? Now I'm gonna get on everyones nerves because I'll be online every second waiting for you to update! If you don't update soon, my grandma will hate me for not going over to her house to see her because I was camped out on my computer. Don't you care about the delicate mental state of our elderly? And what about me? This'll be worse than the time she found Breaking Dawn in my room and my mom said she could read it!!!!!!!!!


Please update for the sake of me and my seventy-nine year old grandma. We thank you in advance." - LittleKattyKat


Dude, this was my reaction: You uploaded! *hyperventilation* Peanut butter eggs?...Some people are such weirdos on this site...I would prefer 'Westley is a huge monkey butt' - it just makes more sense. Like how it's all pink and plump and weirdly hairless, you just have to - Is that MY USERNAME?? OHMYGOD, OHMYGOD, OHMYGODDDD. *more hyperventilation* 

*Reads story - even more hyperventilation!* 

Westley is such a ..a..THING! Not like thing 1/2 from Cat in the Hat, but like a bad thing, y'know? Iono, I guess my creative juices have leaked out of my brains, so I definitely can't get featured again. Aw well, it was good enough this time :) :)  

Butbutbut, she has a plan!!! *dances wildly* HA, Westley is going to get his ..thingy butt in jail!!! 

I loooove your writing <3" -galwiththegall

3: "GO GO GO GO GO GO AND DID I MENTION GOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

SAVE FORREST. "RUN FORREST RUN!" I MEAN "RUN SHAY RUN!" sorry i just LUVVV that movie! (Forrest Gump 4 u losers that to much of meaner pants to watch it!) Ohhhhhh and upload SSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


~Kelsey" -ShopDivaKels97 (Oh, by the way, I remember you. You were one of my first huge supporters :D Thank you for that!)


They Say Love Hides Behind Every Corner. I Must Be Walking in Circles

Chapter 23

I had always felt a rush of calm and soothing when I ran, followed by an energetic rush that always made running during volleyball practices a breeze. I actually enjoyed it. I was fastest when I relaxed, and I knew that was what I had to do at that moment. With all of the stress and pressure I had on my shoulders, I would end up slowing down. I couldn’t risk that. So I tried to forget every single bad thing that had happened since this wretched curse was bestowed upon me, and just ran.

They Say Love Hides Behind Every Corner. I Must Be Walking In Circles!Where stories live. Discover now