(4) ...to get rid of your Pride

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Jimin noticeably froze when you turned his way with a small smirk on your face -it hid what you were truly feeling: panic.

He was taken so off guard that the flames in his palms had flickered.

You pushed yourself off the post, stalking his way and Chim could only watch you -stoic on the outside but anxious on the inside.

Your steps died down as you finally stood in front of him. "It's about time you showed up..." You said in an even tone.

Chim's brow furrowed.

Not only did you somehow know what he was here to do, but you also had no trace of fear even knowing that.

This was the first time he hadn't been looked at in fear.

He would never admit it, but it made his heart race uncomfortably. This was also the first time he had come upon a sinner who had been expecting him.

Nevertheless he still had a job to do.

With that said, he plastered on an emotionless look and eyed you down coldly.


You shivered at the frosty stare he shot your way and immediately knew that this was going to be harder than you imagined.

Again, that didn't deter you -at least not to the point where it would make you give up.

You schooled your expression and looked him straight in the eye. "Which one of the Sins are you?" You asked and then saw his finger twitch at your bold question.

Good. It was a sign that he wasn't 100% composed.


He contemplated whether or not he should answer you back but his curiosity had gotten the better of him again; after all, when was the last time a human -for one- engaged him in a conversation.

He would break you regardless, but it didn't mean he couldn't spare a couple of minutes to see what you had to say.

In the end all humans were the same anyways.


You watched his lips tilted to a sneer, creating a harsh contrast to his soft features.

If you hadn't met Jungkook, you would have never assumed that the man in front of you could have been an embodiment of Sin.

He looked too innocent, too pure and yet you knew first hand that looks could be deceiving.

His dark hair shone under the fluorescent lighting but his face remained impassive. There was a ghost of a smile that you imagine could brighten his features explicitly and you gaped at the how paradoxical this man was.

There was no doubt that he was gorgeous, but the soulless look in his eyes made you wonder what he had gone through in order to end up with this life.

Jimin watched you study him cautiously and he felt himself become intrigued.

He waited until you were done before he spoke. "Pride" he murmured quietly but under the silence of the late night, it couldn't have been any clearer.

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