(15) A Full Circle

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You all made the long tiresome journey to cross different worlds, combining both Yoongi's connections and Namjoon's knowledge to get everyone there.

"You know if you guys weren't here I could have been at Chrysalis already..." Yoongi muttered under his breath while kicking a stone off the path and you rolled your eyes. -someone was a little cranky from actually walking more this week than he had in years.

Hobi sent him a smug look. "...right and you would have just waltzed right in without the rest of us because you're that powerful?" he pointed out with a laugh as he imagined Yoongi walk in as if he owned the entire prison.

Jin smiled kindly. "You would've been killed if you went alone anyways...even we immortals have that one weakness!" he chirped up brightly and bit into his snack.

Yoongi eyed them all warily and for the sake of his sanity, wisely kept his mouth shut afterwards.

Throughout the long days of travel, Jin's premonitive ability came in handy, especially when you needed to make sure that none of you were caught off guard in the more unfamiliar areas.

Every night Chim would also scout at the top vantage point with his quirk and Taehyung was always in charge of 'convincing' people to let you guys stay at some of the inns that you'd see on the more travelled paths.

Hobi was still hesitant around you but had warmed up considerably and, despite being told that the 6 had never really worked together in the past, they were now getting along pretty well.

There were times you felt useless, but that was a given considering how much you could do without the advantage the others had.

But, there were also days where your ability to get people to warm up to you had come in handy as well -especially since the guys were a bit behind on their people skills; Tae didn't count because he went 180 when things didn't go his way.

Thus despite the initial stage of awkwardness with how everyone was supposed to handle each other, you all had fallen into a comfortable routine. You also never expected them to have such a unique bond but even more so you never knew you would unknowingly become a part of it.

It made you understand a bit more of how desperate they were to make a better life for themselves.


Tonight you all were camping outside since there hadn't been any sign of life in the last day or so. The fire crackled loudly as it lay in the center of the camp, leaving a warm glow on the skin's of the people it kissed.

Everyone was off in their own thoughts and you gazed at the stars shining above you, the same stars that connected worlds beyond your knowledge. These last couple days had been surreal and it made you think about how insignificant you were in the world -no, worlds- you were in.

Today you had thought about what would happen after you all rescued Kook.

What were you going to do after everything was over? Go back to pretending like none of this existed and try to have a normal life with Kook? Would you even see the others ever again after this?

Who knew...but if there was one thing that had been bothering you the most since you started this hunt; it was what your dream was.

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