(12) ...for Punishment

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Joon stopped in front of a door and you looked at him expectantly while he glanced at the time.

"Gluttony should be back soon so let's just wait inside." he offered but was ignored as Tae had already waltzed in, closely followed by Chim who was berating him.

Joon's eye twitched in annoyance and he shook his head.

You patted his shoulders in pity and he facepalmed. "You sure you still want to go?" He asked sarcastically and you gave him a wry smile.

"I've gotten used to it..." you murmured back and he snorted.

He swept his hand forward and bowed lightly. "...then enter at your own risk" he muttered, shooting you a devilish smile.


Two things stood out to you the moment you walked in.

Firstly, there were a number of snacks strewn around the room so chaotically that it had you speechless.

And by 'a number' you meant a shit ton. The entire room was stacked on every open surface.

On the other hand, the room was surprisingly quite pleasant unlike the one's you've seen so far; Gluttony's room was classy with its soft pastel tones.

You blinked. "This...is new..." you mused at a loss for words and Tae cheered happily when he saw a bag of sweets.

"I knew I liked Jin Hyung more than you losers for a reason" he joked as he ripped the bag open and you sniggered at the offended look that crossed Chim's face.

You hummed thoughtfully as you thought about the last couple of confrontations you had. "So should I be worried about anything? What should I expect from him?" you asked suspiciously because you already learned that each Sin was always completely different than what you imagined.

This time you didn't want to be caught off guard.

Joon opened his mouth to reply but Chim cut him off while shooting him a pointed look.

"He's the most notorious out of us all...and ghastly looking as well...We may all be handsome but damn you're in for a horrible experience..." he said spookily and you narrowed your eyes at his cocky comment until you processed what he had said.




You grew uneasy.

That unease skyrocketed when you heard the door behind you creak open again.

"...What are you guys doing here?" You heard a man speak and stiffened in fear.

You were a strong woman that had survived more horrid things so you sucked it up and mustered the courage to turn around.

What the fuck?

Your jaw bloody unhinged.

You would be lying if you said you didn't check out the fine specimen of the man in front of you.

Who was this guy? He was prettier than you...

You narrowed your eyes in puzzlement but his eyes did the opposite, widening when they landed on you.

"Oh? Now this is a first..." he trailed off perplexedly when he realized there was more people than usual gathered in his tiny office that and a human as well.

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