(9) Don't mess with...

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"Let's make one thing clear..." Kook started off with a weak groan as he spat blood onto the floor surrounding his chains.

The guard standing at post looked at him disinterestedly.

Kook pulled up a wobbly smirk. "You won't ever break me so you can tell Him to go kiss my thick thighs and fu-"

He was cut off when the guard quickly stood and rushed over, punching him in the gut and Kook wheezed, unable to breathe for a couple of seconds.

His body slumped forward and he coughed uncontrollably, making the guard huff in disgust and step back.

With his head lowered, Kook hid a grin; He had almost gotten the keys this time too, only narrowly missing it by a few inches.

Getting beaten up didn't hurt as much as it did the first few times anymore and if it meant that he could possibly get these damn shackles off of him, he'll continue doing so.

Besides, the guards here were all so boring...He had to amuse himself somehow right?

When this guard resumed his post, Kook sighed, knowing his fun was over for now.

He paused for a moment and then bursted out into laughter. "Yeah don't worry asshole, the feeling is mutual...I hate you too" he retorted impishly and the guard's head snapped his direction in surprise.

Kook grinned inwardly at the brief flash of panic that passed the man's eyes before he tsk'd condescendingly.

"Did you forget who I was? I can hear everything you're thinking of...everything" he trailed off wickedly and immediately the guard gazed at him warily with a growl.

"Shut up traitor...He'll come by soon to strip you off your powers..." he warned and Kook only whistled carefreely in response.

Deep down inside however, he grew nervous.

There was no such thing as time where he was and he didn't know how long he had been in here already...If he was going to make an attempt to break out, he'd have to do it soon -before he lost his powers.

"Y/N...I change my mind...I'm coming back to you so you better be bloody safe..." he thought determinedly, wondering why he suddenly had a bad feeling about the near future.

He mused for a while before shifting his body to get comfortable in his chains, after all, if all else fails and he ended up really having to spend eternity in this shit hole; he may as well get comfy.

Pathetic as it may sound, the only reason why he hadn't mentally broken down yet was because he had spent hundreds of years alone and desolate already.

That, and when he wasn't thinking of a way out, his time was spent constantly thinking about you.

He replayed every moment of the time you two spent together in public and alone...each time it never failed to lift his mood up.

It helped him, more than you'd ever imagine, but still he'd prefer to have the real thing and not just memories and so he sighed wearily.

"I miss you..."


"I MISSED, YOU LITTLE SHIT!" you shouted with a growl as Taehyung dodged your fists agilely with a laugh.

He ran off to go bother Chim now, who surprisingly took everything Taehyung was doing in stride, probably because he was already used to Tae's behavior.

Actually now that you thought about it, maybe it was because Chim stopped being such an asshole that Taehyung could now be so openly cheerful around him.

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