PT1, ACT 1: Resurgence of Legends

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.................................System Reboot.

. . . .

Transferring data.

You have been logged out from «ALfheim Online».

—Syncing. . . .

Now exiting the «CARDINAL» program.

Loading. . . .

———Transfer Complete.

———————"Welcome to «YGGDRASIL»!"———————


April 5th, 2026. New World Time: 9:32 AM.

Kirito's POV


These sequences of words were the last thing I remembered before I woke up in this world.


I was expecting to see the familiar ceiling of my room, but instead I saw that I was lying in a dark forest filled with old twisted trees like those from a fantasy world.

I slowly sat up, my memory hazy, my mind confused all over.

"....where am I?" I muttered, and immediately realised that my voice was slightly different from my normal one. I looked down at my body, and found myself wearing a black leather trench coat decorated with intricate white designs, something one would never find a person wearing in real life except for in cosplays.

I slowly stood up, gazing down at my body to check my equipments. Along with the black coat, I was wearing black gloves with my fingers bare, long black leggings and black leather boots.

I recognised everything I wore — no wonder, as they were all rare items I spent many hours collecting in a certain VR-MMORPG game, named ALfheim Online, or in short ALO.

I was currently in my ALO «Spriggan» avatar, a speed-type swordsman with soft black hair and pointed ears.

—————you have been logged out from «ALfheim Online»————

I remembered the sentence that had echoed into my head before I woke up. Now that I thought about it, I couldn't remember whose voice it was, male or female, young or old......

I put my index and middle finger together, and swiped it down through the air, expecting the ringings of bells and the system menu appearing into the air in front of me.

———but nothing happened.

I remembered an experience from four years ago, inside the world of swords......

I shook my head violently. No, that was not possible. Unlike the NerveGear that ran «Sword Art Online», the AmuSphere's very structure was incapable of trapping the user into VR worlds.

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