PT 1, ACT 11: A New Morning

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Spoiler warning of details from SAO:Alicization. Some things will be inevitably spoiled if you read on....just a notice. I'll try to keep it to a minimum.


Both Rowen and I had lost most of our HPs in the fight against the two knights, Alice and Eugeo. We recovered ourselves with healing potions until we were no longer in a critical condition, then left the rest of our HP to auto-regenerate for themselves.

The two Integrity Knights had been completely knocked out from the aftereffects of my illusion spell, «Full Reminiscence».

«Full Reminiscence» was a spell that brought out one's most painful and traumatic memories, which would indirectly become a psychological attack that would put the enemy out of action.
————My recalled memories from SAO, ALO and GGO combined had almost brought my consciousness to the edge of fading due to the massive shock and despair.
I wondered what kind of memories Eugeo and Alice remembered that were greater in despair than my experience in SAO.... and felt bad at the same time for the two.

Rowen, being a normal boy back in real life, seemingly was the least affected. However, he had a haughty and haunted look to his expression after the spell ended; suggesting that he indeed, had experienced many hardships of his own in the past.

He shook his head when I apologised for involving him in the spell's effect, saying that he didn't mind. But there was a large sense of guilt building up inside me as I saw his tired form.

Our fight had been far, far away from the village, so the villagers didn't seem to have noticed. Taking a long hour, Rowen and I carried the two unconscious knights towards our hut, where we laid them onto the mattresses on the floor, restrained with magic chains Rowen had in his inventories.

———The two of them had attacked us, but something told us that they weren't bad people. If they woke up, it was ideal that we could talk things over and form friendly relationships with them.
Especially with the blonde boy, Eugeo, who looked good-natured and kind. The girl, Alice, was kind of scary, to be honest.

I took away the knights' armours and weapons, and stored them in my inventory just in case.
We decided together to watch over them while the other had their rest. Rowen volunteered to watch first, saying he wanted to think about things. Agreeing, I rolled up at a corner of the hut and fell to my slumber, sleeping like a dead person until two hours later when Rowen would wake me up..........

*** *** ***

The first to wake up out of the two knights was Eugeo— around the same time the sun started to rise in the distance.

I was experimenting on controlling Shadow Magic on top of my palm when I felt a slight movement from the direction of the knights. Turning, I saw the blonde boy start to open his eyes.

As soon as his consciousness awakened he jolted, but seemed to have realised that his entire body had been restrained. He looked to his side, where he saw Alice, and his expression turned into that of relief.

"..........hi." I called towards the knight, still cautious, because I knew what he could do. Thanks to the magic restraining chains he could not channel mana into spells, but that didn't mean I could just sit back and relax.

Eugeo turned towards me. He widened his eyes in alert, then as he looked at the rest of our surroundings—the hut, the mattresses, them being restrained in chains, Rowen, and me. He dropped the tension in his body finally.

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