Chapter 6 |Unedited|

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"Hi, welcome in " I greeted with the brightest smile on my face. 

Leo's mother offered a slight nod in acknowledgment of my welcome  and lead the rest of the family inside. They then proceeded to take off their jackets,setting them in my hand without permission, and seemed to lead themselves into the dining area. I was slightly shocked at their lack of communication because of how outgoing and welcoming Leo was. I'd automatically assumed he had inherited this trait from his parents, but none of them seemed open to speaking to me. I'm hoping it's only because I haven't formally introduced myself yet. 

Carrying the bundle of jackets in my hand, I slowly walked over to the coat closest, and hung each one up nicely. Before going to join Leo's family in the dining room, I looked at the clock hanging on the wall to check how long it was until Leo returned home. It was already past seven, and when I'd communicated with him earlier, he said he would be here before his family would arrive. 

Knowing that Salina was already seated at the table , I quickly went to join her. I know she must feel uncomfortable being left alone in there. 

As I entered the dining area, I saw my sister sitting patiently at the table, Leo's parents and I believe his older sister were sitting, seeming to be having a serious conversation, while his brother, who looks like a younger version of Leo was focused entirely on the phone.  

I felt I should use this time to introduce myself. "Um, hello" I said as loud as I could 

Everyone , including my sister , turned to focus their attention on me immediately.

"I thought I should just introduce myself, my name is Amira and I'm..."

"Sorry but where is Leo, my son? " Leo's mother said, interrupting what I was going to say

"He should be here any minute now ma'am, but before he's here , I just need a quick second to say  that I'm.."  I was interrupted again but this time by Leo's sister who screamed at Leo's arrival. 

I turned around to catch the site of my mate and I allowed him to greet his family before I spoke with him. 

"You look as handsome as ever!" Leo's mom said to him , while he gave her a quick hug before hugging his sister and saying hello to his dad and brother. 

" Sorry, I'm late, we were stuck in traffic for sometime" 

The Alpha and Luna soon walked in after, along with the Gamma, and other people who all came to take a seat at the table. 

I stood awkwardly for awhile before deciding to sit next to my sister while everyone chatted. 

Once everyone noticed the omegas walking in with the food I had prepared earlier, everyone began to settle in random seats. 

I felt a pang of hurt surface when Leo took a seat next to Cora, rather than the one I had kept reserved for him. 

Hearing the sound of a spoon hitting a glass caught the attention of us all and we turned to face the source. 

Bliss, our Luna had stood up with the glass cup raised in her hand.  "I just want to make a toast before we have dinner. Thank You Judith, David, Cassandra, and Michael for joining us today, and I would like to thank Amira as well."  her mention of my name took me by surprise. Everyone was now staring at me and I wasn't liking the attention , the Luna continued "Amira, spent a lot of time preparing this delicious meal for us today, so I would like to make a special toast to her as well for her hard work"

After her toast, everyone had a mutual expression on their face and were still staring at me blankly. 

"Things have changed quite a bit around here haven't they? but it's sweet of you to thank the help dear" Judith had commented, while poshly stabbing her fork into the salad and tasting my food for the first time. 

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