Chapter 7 |Unedited|

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I'd attempted to make conversation with Leo several times in the last couple days, but he's been ignoring me completely, always walking away or pretending he hadn't seen or heard me. Truthfully, his actions are hurtful, I've gotten a taste of what he must have felt when I hid from him all these years. I feel unimportant, like a nuisance, and I soon find myself keeping my distance from him as well. I want to give him the space he's seeking. 

These couple days have been slightly exhausting, my wolf hasn't stopped moping and crying. Not only is Leo upset with me but, his wolf also refuses to communicate with mine. At times, I feel the need to apologize, but then before I make the walk to his office to speak to him, I realize I have nothing to be sorry for and decide against it. I know his anger towards me will subside eventually, but until then, I will just have to keep my distance. 

Despite no longer having to wake up early to attend work or complete omega duties, I still find myself waking up right before the sunrise every morning, having become accustomed to getting up at this time. 

Being the first up every morning, I've been using the quietness and simmer of dawn to slowly get used to letting my wolf run freely. For years, I had gone months without shifting, in fear of exposing myself to Leo and that had left my wolf in an unhealthy state. I've been going on daily runs every morning and find the results pleasing. Not only was my wolf feeling and looking better, but I felt healthier as well. 

As I'm making my way back to the pack house, I'm almost frightened by the surprise appearance of Imad, a good friend of mine. 

"You scared me" I confess, as he makes his way towards me smiling . 

"I was asked to come check on you" he says calmly 

"By who?" I ask opening my arms wide to embrace him in a warm hug, he backs away. 

"I was sent by your mate, who I don't want taking my life, if he finds my scent on you" 

"Oh" I say as we start heading back home. I don't want the topic of Leo to come up so I change the subject of our conversation.  

"How have things been with our people?" I ask walking in-sync beside him . 

"Things are pretty much the same." He says with his head shaking.By 'the same' , I know he means nothing has changed for our people financially. Since our people joined the pack, many of us have been living in poverty. Our omega status makes it difficult to get proper jobs within the wolf community.

 Imad's family was once one of the wealthiest amongst our people in Morocco, but their wealth was left behind when they decided to flee with us once rumors of a civil war broke in our pack. Now, along with all the other Moroccans that survived the rogue attack many years ago, he lives in poverty. Imad is the kindest and hardest working person I know. He's always done what he could to help the less fortunate, it's something that I've always admired about him. He was always so willing to help and give despite having nothing. I love his humility and sense of justice for people. When I was younger, I would watch him from afar in admiration. He's brave and outgoing, and throughout the years we have formed a close bond. He's the only other person I feel I can trust and count on other than my younger sister.

You can trust our mate - Amina barks before ignoring me again. 

" I know" I reply full of guilt. Somehow I feel I should be using my new rank to help our people, but I'm not entirely sure what authority being the Beta's mate provided. I haven't had the chance to have that discussion with Leo yet. 

As we're walking back , I notice how anxious Imad appears and ask him what he's anxious about.  

"What's wrong? you seem troubled" 

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