Eager Beavers and Failed Attempts

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"And I walked up to him and I was completely awestruck and captivated and I-" the boy explained, spinning repeatedly on the fabricated computer chair in his room.

"Tyler, I think you're forgetting that I was there" Jenna chuckled. "Everything you did, I saw"

She had been listening to him drone on and on about the new guy for a good 2 hours but she let him rant for she had never seen him react this way with anyone before. It was new.

"Shush! I'm not finished my story yet!" Tyler effused, halting his spinning actions and coming to a stop directly in front of his best friend.

"Okay, okay, continue" the blonde belle chuckled, swaying back and forth to try and match Tyler's joyful mood.

"He looked me dead in the eye and I just froze! It was like I was under some kind of spell, it was the weirdest thing! But then I noticed their colour. Mixes of caramels, cinnamons and chocolates. I think the best way to describe them is a warm, soothing drink that still has wisps of steam emitting from the surface in late November when the snowflakes begin to fall outside your window and you just feel safe and protected with the soft, tingly feeling the beverage gives you. It was spectacular" sighed the love-struck boy who held a dazed expression while looking out the bedroom window like a lovesick puppy.

"Woah. The Tyler I know does not pay that much attention to detail. What did you do with my real best friend?" Jenna's light laugh surrounded the pair and Tyler couldn't help but laugh along with her. Slightly contagious.

A phone jingle began to play and they both looked over to Jenna's phone placed on the wooden desk. It vibrated and buzzed as it rang which caused Jenna to spring up and grab her device


Tyler watched with false interest while trying to decipher who the owner of the voice on the other end was. It was difficult because all he could hear was low murmurs.

He was placed under the spritely girl's supervision by the rest of the group to 'keep him out of harms way' which is equivalent to 'keep him from making any bold moves'

It had only been one painfully long day since he last interacted with his recent love interest and he was awaiting permission from his friends to visit the cafe once again.

He'd have to be slick and sneaky to get past them without raising suspicion.

"Yeah, sure. We can meet you there" Jenna replied casually to the other person. It was Brendon.

Tyler knew what that meant.

He pounced up and ultimately lost his balance, tumbling over the discarded clothes strewn about the room, and staggering a bit because of the sudden action but quickly recovered and bolted out of the room.

He flew down the stairs so swiftly that he didn't make a sound.

Jenna hadn't noticed and proceeded with the call, focusing her gaze out the window, her back to the door Tyler had previously exited.

Her eyes bulged from their sockets in surprise when she saw the intrepid boy that had been sitting next to her mere moments ago running full speed down the street.

She whipped her head around to the place he was recently seated. The chair still had the indentions of his bottom.

She allowed her phone to slip from her grasp which resulted in a tiny thud to be the only thing heard as it hit the beige carpet.

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