You're Colder Than The Weather

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I believe I owe you lovelies a mini update of the walk home, a continuation of last chapter :)


The two men met each other again outside the supermarket.

"It's really chilly, isn't it?" Tyler asked the smaller man alongside him who was carrying his bags while Tyler carried his own.

The oldest was shivering slightly and rubbing his hands together to escape the nippy, frosty weather. He had a black jacket on but that didn't seem to keep the cold out.

"You don't say" retorted the boy with the hot pink hair sarcastically which was followed by his infamous eye roll.

"I've never met someone who rolls their eyes as often as you do" Tyler stated playfully. He was really just noting it. He shifted the weight of the heavy shopping bags on his arms slightly to relieve some pressure, he was sure that prominent red marks would appear on his skin soon for the weight was becoming unbearable. Not to mention, he was tired.

It was already dark outside, the crisp air making the atmosphere tense in a way, even though the tension was developed beforehand. It's easier to blame it on the weather than themselves.

The dim streetlights illuminated specific areas of the sidewalk, the light wasn't powerful enough to shine elsewhere.

"It's hard not to when I'm around someone like you" Josh sneered, shooting a distasteful look in Tyler's direction.

"I'm offended" Tyler mocked, placing a hand over his heart which was hard to do considering the weight on his arms.

"Good. You should be" scoffed the sullen eldest. He took a step away from his companion as a way to tell him to stop trying and go home.

"Ouch" was the glum reply.

A few moments of silence later, apart from their light footsteps and rustling bags, Tyler announced what was on his mind.

"Josh, you're colder than the weather and that's really saying something"

Josh stopped in his tracks.

"You got a problem with that?" He snapped back.

Tyler quickly raised his hands up and shook them from side to side with slightly wider eyes. "No! I'm just saying, I know you're a softie on the inside"

"Oh yeah? And how do you know that?" Joshua quizzed, skeptical of the statement.

"You created this rough, tough facade but that's not really you. You have emotions and feelings like the rest of us, I know you're a whole lot nicer underneath" Tyler explained while stepping closer and making hand gestures as if that helped to prove his point but it actually just made his arms hurt even more. Those bags really weren't taking it easy on the boy. "I think I could knock down your walls"

Josh smiled.

"I'd like to see you try" he smirked, shaking his head in disbelief.

Josh knew that this boy he just met recently was right. Of course he was. But that doesn't mean he'll open up.

"Challenge accepted, Pinky" the eccentric, egotistical young adult confirmed, confidence extremely high for some reason. "I know I can do it"

"Have fun with that" Joshua chuckled lightly, beginning his walk again. Tyler followed.

"You don't believe in me?"

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