The Last Of The First

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Thank me/Despise me later.... ;)

Alsoooo shoutout to 1-800-taxicab  because damn thEY👏NEED👏TO👏BE👏DISCOVERED👏 ASAP👏


"Okay so, Ive perfectly planned this perfect plan perfectly" Tyler spoke to Jenna through the phone, pacing in his room waiting until 5 pm.

"Okay okay okay, tell me again, from start to finish" the young lady on the other end chirped. She was just as excited as he was. When she first got wind of the news she was gobsmacked but ecstatic nonetheless. Who knew the persistence would pay off eventually?

(Haha, I did, because I'm the writer 👈🏻😎👈🏻)

"It's way too long to recite over" Tyler huffed, nervously checking his clock every other second.

"Just give me a short run-through" she repeated, genuinely wanting to hear the plan once more to make sure there was no fault and that he actually had it exactly right.

"No, no, no! There's no time! He'll be here any minute" the lanky man shrieked after realising the time. "It is precisely 16 hours, 57 minutes and 38 seconds and that means there's 0 hours, 2 minutes and 22 seconds until 5 pm sharp"

In his rush to scurry home after the encounter with the pink haired boy, he had forgotten to give the newbie a time.

But the brunette had seen Hayley outside earlier that day and asked her to pass on the message to Josh that he should be ready by 5 in the evening. She gave him and thumbs up, a nod and appeared to have a "will-do" attitude. Tyler was thankful for the sudden change in attitude she had towards him.

"Try not to freak out, Ty. You need confidence and charm, got it?" His blonde best friend encouraged.

"Confidence and charm" The brown eyed boy muttered.

"Class and charisma" the beautiful girl added.

"Class and charisma" he repeated, feeling himself get less anxious.

"You gotta be slick and subtle" Jenna affirmed.

"Slick and subtle" the excitement pooling up inside him.

"Bold and brazen" the youngest blurted, determined to get her friend's confidence back soaring.

"Bold and brazen" the styled boy stated, smirk crawling its way back onto his sculptured face.

"Daring and dependable!"

"Daring and dependable!" Declared Tyler, just as giddy.

"Sweet and spicy!" They both cheered.

"Warm and welcoming!" The two shouted in unison, getting themselves worked up in the best way.

"And don't forget," Jenna warned, "gay and gleeful!"

"GAY AND GLEEFUL!" was the eccentric young adult's last pumped up shout before the doorbell rang.

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