Have Faith In Those Who Leave Your Ass Behind

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"okay, so, here's what we're gonna do" the eldest announced, slamming his hands on the marble table in Jenna's basement to catch the attention of all his buddies.

The other 4 unique pals huddled together over the table, illuminated by the cheap string light hanging overhead.

"Step One" the brunette began, whipping out 3 blueprints, 7 step-by-step essays and Plan A-Z files which were ordered alphabetically. The determination inside him was bursting, he needed to get to the bottom of this.

"Jesus Christ, Tyler. We left you alone to cry in the bathroom for 10 minutes and you come out with this?!" Brendon asked, flabbergasted. He gestured to the files, essays and blueprints. "How the actual fuck did you manage to do that?"

"A magician never reveals his secret" the man in question replied.

"Hate to break it to you but you're not a magician" Ashley piped up, pointing out the blatantly obvious.

"No shit, Sherlock" Debby snorted.

"EVERYONE SHUT UP, IM TRYING TO GET SOMETHING DONE" Tyler growled with no malicious intent, just frustration.

The room went quiet and reverted their undivided attention back to the matter at hand.

"Okay, Step One" the protagonist began once again. "We sneak into the previous household of my missing main man"

Brendon gasped in shock. "I'm really hurt, Tyler. And to think I was your main man"

He sniffled jokingly.

The tall brunette whacked him over the head with one of the rolled up blueprints. "Pay attention!"

"Right, sorry" the raven haired man whispered apologetically.

"Everyone take these" Tyler insisted, throwing an expensive looking walkie-talkie to each of his friends. Those were followed by individual black earpieces and Swiss Army knives. "We're gonna need them"

"Do you plan on fucking murdering someone, this is completely unnecessary?" The chestnut haired girl stated.

"Whatever it takes to get him back" he deadpanned, no playfulness in his eyes.

Damn, he was serious about this.

Then he began explaining his plan again.

Ashley shuffled over the Jenna and quietly began conversing, no longer listening to the frantic fellow with the insane equipment.

"Where the heck did he get all this stuff? It's only been like-" she checked the small watch on her wrist. "14 minutes and 31 seconds since you broke the news"

"I have no clue. That boy is full of surprises" she chuckled in response while keeping her voice barely above a whisper. "I say we just roll with it, he seems to know what he's doing, doesn't he?"

"I guess you're right" the blue hue sighed. "But I still want to know where he got all of this, it's like he just pulled it right out of his ass"

The two girls giggled.

"GUYSSSS, COME ONNNNNNN! THIS IS SERIOUS BUSINESS" Tyler complained, clearly growing impatient. And i shit you not, he stomped his foot like a child when they're on the verge of a tantrum. "THE LOVE OF MY LIFE VANISHED"

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