A Moment To Remember

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I'm such an ass lmAO
I took so long to update
Things have been busy
I'm sorry dudes
But here ya go
This is probably gonna be sappy and poetic but honestly who doesn't want a bit of cheesy fluff now and then

As the soft breeze whizzed by and the occasional chirping crickets hopped about and the full moon complimented the undeniably breathtaking star-filled sky, two beautiful souls allowed their skin to touch and lips to meet.





I N S A N E.


In that pure and raw moment, only fluorescent hues of passionate colours danced around behind closed eyelids which destroyed any ounce of doubt or negativity contained within them.

If you were there, you would definitely sense the joyous bliss engulfing the duo.

Sparks of rubies, diamonds and gold exploded inside the angelic brunette's being while rivers of ceruleans and streams made entirely of drops of sunshine flooded through the delicate veins of the enigmatic cerise-haired wanderer.

One of Fire, one of Water. Two of promise.

There wasn't any words left to say as fragile eyelids fluttered open and begun scrutinising one another's eyes fastidiously and fondly.

The usual lovestruck glint twinkled in the tallest one's eyes, not using words to ask if they could do it once more which gained a subtle nod in response and as he meshed their lips together once again he also entangled their spirits for the last time.

And then that moment ended as the eldest pulled away.

"Oh my gosh, I shouldn't have done that" he shrieked as the last few minutes dawned on him. He didn't regret them but he knew he should. For once in his life, something felt right. But he knew he couldn't have it. Not now.

"Please don't take back what just happened, I can't be the only one who felt it" suddenly whispered the common man, feeling vulnerable.

A sad sigh escaped the youngest's lips.

"I'm sorry"

The sun-kissed boy sulked sadly. "For the night, can we just pretend?" He offered, hope gleaming in those cocoa orbs. He knew this was a once-in-a-lifetime event and who knows when the potential sequel to this special moment could commence? He couldn't waste this precious time.

Josh had two options.

Agree and just enjoy the rest of the meaningful day,


Disagree and leave the night behind knowing he never accepted the chance.

He wanted this, no matter how hard he tried to deny it. Maybe for a little while, he could pretend.

Without offering an answer, he gripped the dainty hand of his companion and leaned his head against his shoulder.

"Maybe just for a while"

Tyler grinned contently as he threaded his fingers through the soft tufts of rosy hair.

They spent the rest of that faithful evening connecting the twinkling stars, tracing shapes into the flesh of the other and exchanging gestures of sweet love till the late a.m. Unbeknownst to them, a bond was formed between them that wouldn't be broken without a tough fight.

The buzzed feeling that coursed between them wasn't entirely the alcohol, was it?


This has been short..... and sweet.... and cute but hey i didn't really have much left to write, shit really hits the fan in the next chapter I couldn't potentially give it away somehow now could I?

Also heads up, this chapter reminds me of Halsey's song Is There Somewhere lol

Welp, enjoy the nice stuff while it lasts

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