Best for business

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Once we arrived at Main Event I decided to call out AJ and challenge her to a mixed gender tag team match with me and Roman. Stephanie McMahon loves the idea and she also told me that I've got a mind that's best for business. Ego booster much?

"AJ get your psycho dwarf ass out here." I demanded from inside the ring. with The Shield standing by my side. The crowd is all hyped up since this is my home town of Boston! Soon AJ made her way through the curtain accompanied by Kane and Tamina. Hm. She could probably enter a mixed gender tag team match with either of them. Oops. "Whooaaa be careful what you wish for Adalia don't have a panic attack." She laughed into the mic. What a bitch. "First of all screw you and secondly I wish you the best of luck in our mixed gender tag team match later tonight." She stared at me in confusion. "Oh you haven't heard? Me and Roman Reigns will be tagging against you and Kane. Yeah sorry, Tamina isn't quite man enough for that match." Kane had to hold Tamina back from her freak out. AJ just stared at me not quite understanding. "You can't do that!" She screamed. "Actually she can, we've already talked about it." Stephanie McMahon walked out with a sly smile. Steph is not an AJ fan and in fact I think she's becoming a pretty big fan of mine. "Ladies and gentleman your Main Event tonight will be the divas champion AJ and Kane versus Adalia and Roman Reigns in a mixed gender tag team match!" The crowd went insane. AJ went a little insane too; throwing a major tantrum. "Oh and, Tamina will be banned from ringside along with Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins." WHAT? She didn't say that when we met earlier to discuss this match. AJ's tantrum got even worse. I blew her a kiss and she stormed backstage.

No sign of AJ backstage and I'm starting to worry she may have left the arena. That means I win, right? I just finished lacing up my boots when a cold hand found its way on my shoulder. I know it's not Seth since he wouldn't be in the female locker room. Or he might. "Adi." Kaitlyn's voice spoke easing my nerves. "I've seen what AJ's been doing to you and I just want you to know that you are so much better than her. She knows that and that's why she's tormenting you. She did it to me and she did it to Nikki Bella nearly ending her career. But you, you're the last strand of hope for the divas division. You're the only diva that is strong enough to make it through those mind games and to come out on top." She sat down next to me. A huge smile plastered on my face. My confidence is going to be through the roof after tonight. "Thanks Kaitlyn... I look forward to my first match defending the divas title to be against you." She smiled. "As flattered as I am I don't know if that's a good idea champ. A title reign of only one day wouldn't make you look too good." She laughed as she headed to the door. I bit my lip holding back my smile. Challenge accepted. "Oh hey, have fun teaming with Roman super hottie pants Reigns." She yelled before leaving the locker room. 

Seth followed behind Roman and I as we made our way down through the crowd. He pulled my head to his and pressed our foreheads together. "Beat her ass, babe. I'll be right up there watching." He smiled and made his way back up the steps. Babe. That word sends my stomach into a whirl of butterflies.

Roman and I stood side by side in the ring. I never realized how huge he really is. He towers over me. I wonder when I'll get my cool gear like The Shield. I would look totally killer in one of their vests. Kane's pyro hit and once again scared the life out of me. AJ skipped down to the ring by his side. What an unlikely duo. But hey they're both freakin' weird so I guess it works out well. AJ hopped into the ring and immidiately got right in my face. Before she could even open her mouth I hit her across the face knocking her to the ground throwing a few good punches to her face and head before the ref pulled me off of her. She stared up at me in fear. She did not expect that. Ha.

As much as I wanted to start the match off against AJ she refused to get into the ring with me right away. I don't blame her. I watched as Roman gave Kane a huge beat down not even allowing him to return to his feet once he was down. Roman super punched Kane and left him laid out in the ring. AJ has horror in her eyes. She knows what's coming. I reached my hand out and Roman high fived me into the ring.

My turn. Kane rolled out of the ring, even he knows to get the hell out of my way. I'm going to enjoy this. AJ hesitantly made her way into the ring but kept her distance. I sat in the ropes, crossing my legs showing her that she doesn't scare me anymore. She ran at me and I moved out of the way sending her through the ropes and onto the floor, her head hitting the ground hard. I jumped down and pulled her up by her hair laying a big slap across her face. Oh that felt good. I threw her tiny body into the steel steps and landed a few kicks to her ribs. Talk about my dream coming true just not on me. The ref hit a count of 5 and I threw her body into the ring jumping in after her. I covered her but she managed to kick out just barely missing the 3 count. Oh AJ. Bad mistake. I've got lots of fight left in me and you barely have anything. I crawled up the ropes and faced the crowd, jumping backwards into a flip but landing hard on the mat. AJ rolled out of the way. A sharp pain shot threw my ribs and I rolled under the ropes clutching my side.

By the time I pulled myself up the ropes and onto my feet AJ had tagged in Kane. But before Roman could get into the ring Kane knocked him off the ropes with a cheap shot. Of course me wanting to be a tough ass I ran at Kane's back and kicked him in the back of the knee knocking his leg out. He wasn't too thrilled by that. He turned around and pushed me. Hard. His eyes full of anger. Oh shiiiiiiiit. I pulled myself up on the ropes in the corner ready to fight but his big right hand grabbed my neck holding me up by it. I'm about to die. This is it. I'm going to die. He laughed at my pain and got ready to choke slam me but Roman hit him with a giant spear out of nowhere. I fell out of his hold and miraculously onto my feet. Seth should be proud that I'm learning some of his mad ninja skills. AJ was just getting back to her feet in her corner totally unaware of everything going on around her. I ran at her and gave her a spear of my own nearly breaking her in half. Roman nodded allowing me to take the win for this one as I crawled through the ropes so he could tag me in. I dragged her to the middle of the ring and crawled up onto the ropes. I back flipped off of the top rope and landed on AJ and lifted her leg up for the pin while the refs hand hit the mat 3 times. Roman pulled himself into the ring helping me to my feet and handed me the divas title. I held it high in the air hopefully sending a clear message.

"That was a beautiful spear." Roman whispered in my ear. A big smile spread across my face. AJ lied motionless in the middle of the ring while the ref checked on her. Kane was lying outside the ring. We did it. If it weren't for Roman I would probably be dead right now. "Thanks for saving my  life" I said to him before giving him a giant hug which caught him by surprise. He wrapped his arm around me gently. That big brother feeling overwhelming me. I bet if he hugged hard enough he could break me in half. I wouldn't want to be bear hugged by Roman Reigns.

Seth and Dean made their way to the ring and are certainly not quite finished with Kane. Dean grabbed a steel chair and let out a crazed laugh holding it high. Seth got into the ring with me and held my arm up high, the Boston fans screaming their lungs out. "Nice job babe." He whispered in my ear.

The chair connected with Kane's back way too many time to count, then his ribs, then his head. Ouch. Dean is going insane with that steel chair. Dean let Kane get to his feet and Roman speared him. Hard. Then Dean started clearing off the announce table. Seth jumped out of the ring to help Roman drag Kane's body over to the table. Roman let out a huge roar, the one that usually comes with the complete destruction of their opponent. All three of them picked up Kane's body and triple power bombed him through the announce table. Well he's probably dead. The boys got back into the ring and threw their fists together. I backed away to let them have their moment but they just stared at me as if they're expecting something. Oh right. I threw my fist next to theirs and their music hit. "Believe in The Shield!" Roman yelled. I'm totally part of The Shield now right? SWEET.

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