Tomorrow is Wrestlemania

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Deans POV

I leaned against the wall anxiously waiting for the boys and Adalia to make their way backstage. They just won their match and are all thrilled about it, I hope my appearance doesn't ruin their moment. My hands are all shaky and nervous and it's freaking me out. I'm never nervous.

Seth stopped immediately when his eyes met mine and his smile dropped. Roman doesn't look too thrilled either. Adalia seems a little relieved to see me, so I guess that's good.

"Hey." I forced a smile feeling like a complete idiot, running my hand across the back of my neck nervously. Nobody said anything.

"I guess this is where I'm supposed to apologize n' shit. Sorry I uh, attacked you man. I wasn't me, like, I just, you know." I ran my hand through my hair. This is harder than I expected and I sound like a fucking idiot. I don't apologize often and actually mean it.

I couldn't even bring myself to look at Seth's face. There was a long extremely awkward silence that freaked me out.

"Like before?" Roman broke the silence. "Worse." I sighed and brought my eyes up to meet Seth's. He's thinking. I shoved my hands into my pockets nervously. Adalia stood close next to him looking all concerned and shit, it's kinda' cute.

"You're losing your temper again?" Seth asked with a serious tone in his voice. "Blacking out." I mumbled. "When did they start?" Seth said as his tone changed into concern. "Few weeks ago." The image of Bray Wyatt all over Adalia popped into my head. "What caused the first one?" Roman asked. Adalia shifted uncomfortably, I guess she hasn't told Seth about that yet. I can't lie anymore and I certainly can't have her lie for me either.

"I uh, I found Bray Wyatt forcing himself on Adalia and I blacked out. I guess I beat the shit outta him with a chair..." Seth's eyes shot to Adalia. "The next time I attacked you, I was thinking about you know, that. Then I attacked him on the stage." I sighed. I hate being like this.

"I'm sorry I'm so fucked up, man." My voice cracked. Seth pulled me into one of his hugs. Comforting and warm. He's the only dude I will ever let touch me like that. He patted my back. "We're gonna get through this." He said confidently. I fucking hope so.

"We have a busy weekend so after Mania we'll talk to some professionals, see what they can do." Roman said as we got into the bus. I collapsed onto the couch and Adalia sat next to me. "I know you're a tough ass and hate to apologize, but I'm proud of you." She smiled.

"What if I lose it during our match?" I felt my nerves come back. That caught the boys attention. I could get us disqualified if I black out and lose it. We can't afford a lose against the Wyatt's. The Shield is better than that.

"Use your anchor." Adalia smiled. That anchor bullshit hasn't worked for me yet so why would it now? "Don't tag me in." I sighed. "Dude, you can't just hangout on the sidelines. You can give the same beating whether you're sane or not, you just gotta work with the limits we're given and listen to the ref. You're gonna get your revenge." Seth smiled.

"My type of revenge isn't legal." I sighed. I would be more than happy if I could beat the life out of Bray. Unfortunately I can't do that. Seth laughed. "It's alright man, we'll figure something out. Don't stress about it.

We've got about a four hour drive til we're in Jersey for axxess tomorrow, Roman volunteered to drive as long as me and Seth get some rest. I really hope my attack on Bray didn't scare my fans away. These fans are what keep me going, they're the reason I love doing what I do. Yeah, believe it or not tough ol' Dean Ambrose has a soft spot for the fans.

Adalia's POV

I sat down at my table at Axxess next to Kaitlyn. We have a huge line of fans already waiting to get pictures and autographs. It's an amazing feeling to be able to do something like this. My tables set up accross the walk way from The Shield's and I can see them all. They all have this giant smile plastered on their face that they can't seem to remove, I'm sure I look the same way.

I signed the last few autographs of the day and took my last picture with a fan. I have never experienced something so amazing like that. All of these different people that are at a lost for words or even on the verge of tears just because they get to meet me. It amazes me, I'm really not that special.

When I joined NXT I had expected none of the fans to notice me or even care for me. I was no different from any other person in the ring or in the crowd. The first time I ever got into the ring in NXT, nobody cheered for me. I remember the third time I got into the ring and the fans had started cheering for me. There wasn't a lot of them but there were a few who would join in on the chant. Then a few months later the entire arena would go crazy cheering for me, people even made signs with my name on it. It's just a surreal feeling really. Even on my first match on RAW, with Layla, the fans cheered for me. I hadn't expected them to know me, but they did. It's just insane.

Tomorrow is Wrestlemania. Tomorrow is the day I'm going to shine. Tomorrow I become divas champion. I've managed to push all the negativity out of my mind and focus on myself. It's working surprisingly. I've been in a super positive mood and I've been more hyped up than ever. I cannot wait to get into the ring with AJ tomorrow, she has no idea what's coming.

I'm sorry to do a split chapter but I've got a horrible writers block. I know how I want the next chapter to happen and I can't focus on this one. Sorry that this chapter may be pretty boring but I couldn't just jump right into the Wrestlemania chapters without a little lead up.

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