Sam x reader part 2!

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 This is a Tumblr request, and yes, I do have a Tumblr but everything that I wrote is basically everything I wrote here on Wattpad so don't get too excited. This was also requested by @demonicguardianangel.

3rd person view

                                                                                                                                                              Anger, so much anger, no, furious is a proper term that Lucifer is feeling now. He never intended getting Y/n pregnant but when he found out about the lose of his child, his anger got the best of him. Now, his hate for the younger Winchester is stronger than ever.

                                                                                                                                                                He may have lost her once, that doesn't mean he won't lose her again if he's very careful.

Y/n's pov

                                                                                                                                                                 I felt a kiss against my neck softly, those lips that I love so much. I turned to face the owner of those lips. "Hey," Sam greeted me huskily, he gently nuzzled his face into my neck letting me run my fingers through his long hair. "Hi," I greeted back softly. "That was a fun night," Sam said softly before kissing my collarbone. "It was nice," I agreed. "Dean and I have another case to go on, you going to be okay without me?" I gave him a gentle kiss. "Yeah, I'll be fine," I murmured. "Just come back to me alive," Sam rubbed soothing circles on my hip. "Will do," he said. "I just hate leaving you alone, especially when Lucifer is still looking for you," I sat in his lap and straddled him. "I love you, Sam, no one else," I said. "You're my one and only love." Sam smiled. "I know," he said, he pressed his hands on my back pushing me closer to him. "You have no idea how much I love you." I smiled and kissed him.

                                                                                                                                                               I watched the impala drive away, I walked back inside the bunker and checked all the traps, salt, and signs before closing the door behind me. I decided to make some breakfast for myself only to realize there's nothing for me to make and a good friend of mine had suggested that we have breakfast together.

                                                                                                                                                                I got changed into comfortable clothing and got into my mustang and drove over the the diner she wanted to meet. "May?" I called out, the diner was unusually quiet. "May?" I called out again, my hand went to the inside of my jacket where my fingers gently brushed against the angel blade. "Ma-? Mff!" A hand clamped over my mouth. "Hello, darling." And I'm lights out.

                                                                                                                                                                 When I woke up again, I found myself in a motel room, my hands tied above my head and against the headboard while my feet were spread apart. "Hello, love," I bared my teeth. "Lucifer," I growled. "Don't be like that, love," said Lucifer, he gently traced his index finger down to my bare stomach making me shudder. "You killed our child," he said. "I would never carry a rapist's child," I snapped. "Except I love you," Lucifer snapped back. "But I don't," I snapped back. "I love Samuel Winchester, I always will. I will never love a man like you." Lucifer clenched his jaw. "First of all, love, I'm an archangel," said Lucifer. "And one way or another, you will love me and I know it."

                                                                                                                                                               For months I stayed with Lucifer, for months Lucifer tried to earn my love, for months Sam hasn't found me, for months I was tortured. Each month, I prayed for Cas to find me, but Lucifer knew each time I prayed and took me somewhere else each time until my prayers couldn't be heard by anyone.

                                                                                                                                                                Everyday he'd try to have a child with me but each time failed. Each time, I'd get bruises on my wrists and hips, on my ankles are rope burns, my neck covered with unwanted hickeys, my cheeks is covered with tear stains.

                                                                                                                                                                 Just when Lucifer was about to begin, I heard a gunshot going off and loud footsteps. "Lucifer! Your filthy hands better be off of my only love!" Relief flooded me, my shining knight has arrived.

                                                                                                                                                                  Lucifer growled and prepared himself for a fight. The fight was brutal, Dean managed to cut me free but he jumped in to help Sam when he got thrown back. Cas was also throwing everything he had at Lucifer. I crawled for the door only for something to be thrown something to me and I gasped.

3rd person view

                                                                                                                                                                    The world slowed, Sam saw a knife being thrown directly at his only love, a blade pierced through her gut. Lucifer took off when he realized he wasn't going to be able to fight this. Sam pulled Y/n to his lap and Cas was by his side but it was already too late, she left the world.

That was very dark. I have a horrible memory so I think this is the first one shot where I kill the reader off but, I hope you enjoyed it anyways. 

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