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song #7 - scared to be lonely (acoustic cover) : thomas daniel

feburary 27th, 2016, 3:56am

jihoon felt his phone blare the annoying ringtone in his ears. it's about time i change it. he thought as he groggily picked up the phone. he didn't bother seeing the user id and pressed answer and pressed the receiver to his ear.


"park jihoon, i finally get to hear your voice," a deep, monotonous voice with a glint of sinister spoke in a hushed tone. jihoon could only reply sleepily.

"who is this?" he yawned.

"the mastermind behind the take away of your darling, kim doyeon," he chuckled evilly. jihoon immediately open his eyes and gritted his teeth.

"who the hell are you?" he growled.

"oh, my little jihoon! do you actually think that by asking me continuously the same damn question, i'm going to tell you who i am?" he let out an even laugh. jihoon sat up and felt his blood boil to the tip to end of his body.

"yah! if i get my hands of you-" he barked.

"-oh blah, blah, blah, i'll kill you, slit your throat, murder you like how i murdered doyeon; park jihoon, this is not a korean drama where you'll find the bad guy and defeat after sixteen episodes, you know. i have my ways, but you clearly don't. try your luck, but at the end of the day, you're not getting back your dearest doyeon right? face it jihoon, she's dead," he spat.

jihoon shook in anger. "you son of a bit-" the call ended.

jihoon threw his phone against his wall and allowed the phone to fall, lifeless, with the broken screen now facing him. his eyes were red and brimming with tears. he took the picture of doyeon and hugged it to his chest. as he closed his eyes, he allowed the tears to fall.

"i'll get him for you, princess," he whispered to the picture. "even if it costs me my life. at that rate, i'll at least get to be with you again."


feburary 27th, 2016, 11:30am

jihoon sat opposite detective yoon as he tried to process what jihoon had told him. jihoon was too freaked out and mad to sleep last night, so he just spent the rest of his night, in a once comforting but then uncomfortable silence.

"detective yoon, i'm scared," jihoon admitted.

"scared of what?" detective yoon asked in a hushed, gentle tone.

"i don't know, just scared, i guess," jihoon replied, awkwardly playing with his fingers.

detective yoon sighed. "why don't you get back and get some sleep? i'll try to get something out of what you said, okay?" he gave a reassuring smile to jihoon, and jihoon returned the gesture. he slowly got up from the chair and walked out of the police station, and walked to the nearest cafe near his house.

it was the cafe he and doyeon used to go to regularly every week, and all the baristas knew them as the loveliest couple they knew. they were aware of doyeon's passing, and would offer jihoon free drinks as a consoling gesture, even without asking him.

jihoon sat himself at his usual place, at the corner of the room and looked out the window. doyeon and him used to admire the cute couples walking around the street, and would think about how they could be cuter than them. now, the sight of couples disgusted jihoon and he would constantly not bother looking out anymore.

one of his close barista friends, seonho, placed the cup with his vanilla macchiato on the table and pressed a comforting hand on jihoon's shoulder. jihoon did not react but just looked at the cup with the white liquid glisten by the sunlight.

as he continued staring, he felt someone sit opposite him and he looked up, his eyes meeting a familiar pair. her eyes resembled his untouched coffee, sparkling and full of life.

"hey jihoon," nina chirped. she noticed his foul mood and raised a brow. "you alright?" she pressed.

"she didn't kill herself, nina," he spoke in a hushed tone. "she was murdered." he let a tear fall from his eyes, landing inside his cup of coffee. nina placed a reassuring hand on jihoon's.

"oh shucks," she managed. "i'm so sorry, jihoon," she whispered. jihoon shook his head. "i don't need your sympathy."

"i know you don't. do you know who killed her?" she asked gently. jihoon gulped. "not yet, but when i find him, i'll kill him," he curled his fingers up in anger, his knuckles turning white.

"i can help," nina leaned back on her chair and stretched her arms. now it was jihoon's turn to raise a brow. "i don't even know you that well, nina, i don't think you should-"

"give it a shot jihoon. you need all the support you can get," she placed her hands on his shoulders. jihoon did not know what to say; one side of him was telling him to not give in so easily, but another side of him did want to have a bubbly company surrounding him.

he took a closer look at her. she was really beautiful. they locked gazes and jihoon smiled at her.

"alright, one shot. make it count."


SHORT CHAPTER im sorry :( and i think i can only update every friday now because first week of school and im on the floor cmi

and don't get me started on youngmin's vlive im so tempted to write a youngmin fic maybe after this youngmin has replaced archie andrews as king of the redheads oK

and lmao forgot about my qn thing i was supposed to do every chapter sorry for flopping so here is this chapter's qn so i can get to know yall better :-----)

qn: where are yall from? ya girl twinkle is from singapore wew

oo yes and dedication to @daehwis! pls check out her books she's so cool and i used a whole box of tissues from reading her fics :^) i lohvu

stay smelly

love, a really exhuasted and no1 school anti, twinkle.

i miss you, i love you | park jihoonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن