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song #15: 3000 miles- emblem 3

march 7th, 2016, 5:18pm

as jihoon walked into the cafe, he waved at seonho, who whistled when he caught nina tagging behind the taller boy shyly. "new girlfriend?" jihoon heard nina snort from behind and jihoon rolled his eyes. he looked at seonho and winked, "maybe," he teased and nina immediately stood her defensive guard.

"yah! i'm n-not your g-girlfriend, got it?" she snapped and quickly ran to their normal spot and pretended to hide her face in embarrassment. seonho chuckled at the adorable scene unfolding before him and turned to jihoon. "you're over her already?" he asked as he took down their order.

jihoon's face fell immediately. he was definitely taken aback by what seonho had just asked, probably out of pure innocence because of his younger age. jihoon cleared his throat awkwardly, refusing to reply. he avoided seonho's gaze and quickly grabbed the two cups in each hand and thanked his barista friend almost inaudibly.

he took a seat opposite nina, whose face was still hidden in jihoon's jacket. jihoon tapped her slowly and she lifted her face, before smiling at the cup before her. "you know what drink i like," she grinned and leaned forward. she looked at up, expecting a reply from jihoon. but he was in a foul mood, and she had already noticed it.

she reached out for his hand and gave it a small squeeze. jihoon turned back from staring at the busy street and gave nina a weak smile. he sighed and allowed a tear to fall. nina's heart softened, and she squeezed his hand tighter. jihoon found himself turning his palm to face hers, interlocking their fingers tightly. jihoon bowed his head and began to cry softly.

"nina, i'm sorry," he whispered in between his soft sobs, earning a puzzled look from nina, who cocked her head to the side to get a better angle of jihoon's profile.

"yah, what are you saying? what are you sorry for?"

"you like me, don't you?" jihoon looked at her with glassy eyes and nina sat upright, taken aback by jihoon's sudden question. of course she liked jihoon, no, she was convinced her feelings had developed to the brink of love, which was why she was avoiding him in the first place. she didn't want get hurt because of how much she loved him. she was selfish, but she did it out of fear. she felt a pang of guilt shoot right through her, and she didn't want to hurt him anymore, she felt it was all her fault.

"i-i," she breathed, "no, jihoon, i love you."

jihoon felt his heart skip a beat. of course he was certain that nina's feelings were requited, and that was why he even brought her to the cafe in the first place. to tell her, confess to her. but why could not bring himself to say it? he felt his breath stagger.

"as much as i like you nina-" he started, and what he said next was something he knew he was going to regret, but he spoke his mind anyway, indifferent to nina's feelings.

"-you're not her. i can't do this."

nina opened her mouth to speak, but she found herself at a loss of words. she could only slowly release her grip from their interlocked fingers. she slowly slipped her hand from his, her eyes slowly brimming with tears. i never should have said that, i never should have said that, i never should have said that, her own voice repeatedly raced through her mind. she quickly slung her bag over her shoulder and stood up. she sighed deeply.

jihoon felt himself panic. he couldn't let her go, not again. "nina, wait-"

"-save it jihoon. i can't believe i followed you with so much hope, only to be embarrassed in the end. i hope you'll find a girl who is actually her, though we both know that it's impossible," she spat in hurt, the tears streaming down her face. before jihoon could say anything else, she turned her back on him, and walked out of the cafe, disappearing in the crowd of people outside.

jihoon threw his head back and sighed, allowing his tears to fall as well. "doyeon, what do i do?" he whispered under his breath and shook his head in humiliation.

april 7th, 2016, 5:18am

jihoon stood in front of the room. it was covered with mirrors and mirrors only, he could only look at the mirrors, which reflected infinite congruent figures as the real one.

suddenly, he saw the familiar girl appear at the corner of the mirror. "doyeon-ah," he smiled instinctively, and he ran to her. he wrapped his arms around what he thought of as her, but in the end it was just vaccum. he frowned.

he turned around, and saw her reflection once again. he attempt to hug her again, only having the same result as the first. he sighed in frustration, and tried to walk towards her once again. he only knocked his head on the mirror. he rubbed his head forcefully.

"yah, come here, then," he challenged, and mimicked doyeon's actions. she let out her signature chuckle. "you know why you can't get me no matter how you try?" a tear slipped from jihoon's eye, it was like as if the first time he heard her honey-sweet voice.

"she's the one, jihoon," the moment she said that, jihoon felt a tap on his shoulder. he turned around, and now the reflection had become nina's. she was doing the exact same thing as doyeon, the exact same smile, the exact same willingness to be hugged.

jihoon walked towards her, and after some hesitation, he slowly slipped his arms around her neck. he looked down at the shorter girl, who wrapped her arms around jihoon's waist and rested her head on his chest. jihoon closed his eyes and pulled her closer to him, both finding comfort and solace in each others' arms.

both finding home in each others' arms.

"jihoon-ah," nina breathed against jihoon's broad yet gentle frame. "i missed you, and i love you."

hello! IM SO TRIGGERED! wanna one is coming to singapore?? BUT i doubt i can go i am so sad emogal ttm hmm :( i hope they'll come again before they di-dis- ok no in this house we don't mention the d word related to wanna one >:(

and also check out my new youngmin fic titled 'karaoke'!! don't neck me because it an angst again, but then again... when are twinkle stories ever happy lmao

and honestly if this is not the most extra thing a squad can do i dont even know what will be

and honestly if this is not the most extra thing a squad can do i dont even know what will be

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lols have a great week ahead everyone i lav u all : ))))

stay smelly

love, twinkle.

i miss you, i love you | park jihoonWhere stories live. Discover now