Happy Happy Halloween

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Aki was quite happy as he smiled in the Host room, "Kyoya!"

"Yes Aki?" He smiled brightly, "guess what!"

"What?" Tamaki walked over, "what's got you so excited Aki?"

"I get to do a halloween concert! There's going to be some dances and Bonnie is going to be dancing."

"Oh?" Aki smiled warmly and nodded, "yes! I'm ecstatic!" Aki smiled, before he paused and looked up, "huh?"

At midnight, the carriage was sure to become a pumpkin. However, it wasn't some old witch who had casted this spell.

Aki entered the class 1A, "excuse me."

"Ah, Akihito-senpai. You came."

"Yes, though I'm curious on why I'm here." Aki was confused, was I not just in the host club room?

"I would like to discuss the plans for next week." Aki stood near the class chairman as he just stayed silent, the vice-chairman.

"Haruhi-kun, you became an honor student here starting in High school, so you wouldn't know about it, huh? Nor you Aki-senpai. Here at Ouran, during the grading of our in-school trial exams, we're allowed to take off until the last day of October every year, and hold costume parties here on campus." Aki gave a soft smile to the girl, causing many girls to swoon silently, "really? That sounds wonderful."

"Also," Aki then looked back to the chairman, "to promote camaraderie, we are allowed to take a whole day and use it however we like, as a class event."

"An event?" Aki tilted his head, "then why am I here? I'm a second year."

"We wanted to include you." Aki gave a soft smile, "thank you. But I'm afraid I would have to decline, I've got to practice for a concert on Halloween."

"Halloween!" Aki looked surprised.

"It's the day that signals the end of summer, and the start of winter. Halloween... the day when people come out against the spirits and devils that come by, by making themselves look like them. Halloween... it also, in time, became a festival of dressing up in costumes, and playing pranks." Aki just gained a bored expression placing his right hand in his pocket.

"May I borrow the chalk for a second?"

"Of course." He smiled and thanked the chairman and calmly took it with his left hand.

"Hoshakuji-san, we're having homeroom. Please come down off the desk." Renge just continued to freak out, "cosplaying and having tea parties is something we do all the time in the Host Club. What good is having Halloween without any further stimulation?...-lation?...-lation?" Aki gave a small noise, "Renge. Off the table."

"Oh you're such a party pooper Aki!"

"Um, this is to be a class event."

"I hereby propose that we have a halloween special test-of-courage tournament!" The twins smirked as Aki just begun to write down a few things for his part, "a halloween special..."

"...test-of-courage tournament?" The class chairmen just kept becoming more and more frightened, "we'll ask the superintendent to open the school to us at night. Then, we'll all take turns dressing up as monsters, and scaring each other. It will make for wonderfully high-spirited, exciting communication!"

"Great! That sounds great! We're in!"

"I like the part about..."

"...the school, at night." He just listened to everyone talk and watches, "okay then, um... does anyone have any objection to a majority vote?" Aww, he's scared. He seemed locked on Haruhi, who just stayed silent, "anyone opposed?" Still nothing.

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