Chapter 2

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"Ariana baby wake up. You have to start your job today."

I was pulled out of my sleep by Mom's voice. I groggily sat up on bed as Mom took a step back from my bed side.

"Now come downstairs when you're ready, I'll make you some breakfast." She said heading out.

"No Mom, I'll make it myself when I'm ready." I was going to be nineteen. I didn't like burdening Mom.

Werewolf or not, she was still getting old. That is another thing I didn't understand but never brought it up in case I'd offend Mom. The fact that she was childhood friends with Emily and Ronnie and they both looked a lot younger than her.

"Now hush. You're going to be late so just go get ready." She answered before closing my door on the way outside.

I lazily stood up and stretched my tired limbs. I hated waking up so early. I looked at my clock, it was 7am. It was probably a half an hour ride to the diner from here. I was going to work as a cashier at Christie's Diner. It was just a temporary job. Just to pass the time before I decided if I wanted to go to college. I wasn't exactly sure as of yet, but I was more and more inclined towards teaching. I could right now. I was smart. Just book smart but still, I knew I'd get the job, but I just wanted to take it easy for now.

I dressed in a T-shirt and a pair of jeans, with a hoodie and black converse. I looked myself in the mirror. I observed my big breasts and big hips, curvaceous figure according to Mom. She always said that my body was what people called voluptuous and to never be embarrassed by it. But I never believe her. Maybe it's a teenage thing, the lack of confidence in yourself. I threw my hair in a bun. After applying lip-gloss I went down-stairs. I wondered if I would meet Alpha-whose-name-I-still-don't-know-even-though-he-makes-me-feel-like-how-girls-in-my-romance-novels-felt-when-they-were-in-love. I doubted it. I knew he was a very busy man. I mean Alphas were supposed to be busy, that's what was written in one of the books I read.

I entered the kitchen.There weren't many people up yet. Just some elders and a few teenagers probably going to school.

I kissed Mom on the cheek before taking a seat. I was just about to eat the yummy waffles dripping with chocolate syrup when I was interrupted.

"Aren't you fat enough already?" said a really screechy voice.

I looked up to see that girl, with the brown hair I saw yesterday. She was wearing the same type of clothes, a short skirt and a tank top, but today she had added a pink jacket.

"Ummm....are you talking to me?" I asked quietly.

"Are you deaf?" She sneered, "Just, whatever. I'm going to be totally late if I waste my time talking to you."

She waved her hand, as if dismissing me then turned to my Mom, "Sara, make me breakfast." She demanded.

Mom looked about ready to explode, "You may be Alpha's sister, but I'm not your slave." She hissed.

"Ughhhh!" She screeched making me cringe,

"You......I'll see you when I get back. Trent's gonna be here and I don't want to keep him waiting." With that she grabbed an apple and exited.

I looked at Mom who looked like she was about to shift. I stood up and went over to her.

"Mom," I murmured, "Calm down." I rubbed my hands on her shoulders in a soothing manner.

"I hate that girl." She sighed tiredly, "I need to take a run."

I nodded then walked outside with her. I kissed her cheek as she made her way into the forest and I went to the car. As I was about to open the car door to get inside, I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up and tingles of awareness run through me.

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