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April 27

"Look Dan I was drunk-"

"You didn't seem intoxicated," Dan remarked crossing his arms.

"I'm a idiot, I shouldn't have said that, I've should've acted like a respectful man that I am,"

"Hm, I guess first impressions die hard, don't they?"

"Dan, I'm begging on my knees please give me another chance!"

Dan wanted everything to say no and walk away from his ungrateful ass but literally Adam woke up the whole castle to apologize in front of to put Dan on the spot knowing he would say yes. Phil stood in the corner shaking his head in his pajamas.

He looked pretty hot, god damn it Dan! Your future husbands on his knees! Oh right. Dan thought.

"What do you say?" Adam looked up from the floor. Dan looked around at his parents and then Adam's mom and dad, also every staff member from servants to chiefs in the ball room.

"You swung to hit me," Dan says quietly as Adam smirks.

"And I'll do it again if you don't say yes," he mumbled inaudible to the people in the room. Phil snarled staring at Adam.

"Wear my ring as a token of my love?" Adam acts. Now I guess Dan isn't the only one who's faking.

Adam gruffly grabbed Dan's hand and shoved the ring onto his left ring finger. Dan ripped his hand away and grabbed it with his right. "Do you understand Dan? I will own you weather you like it or not, so say yes and no one gets hurt," He says under his breath.

"Who are you going to hurt? Me?" Dan laughs. "You've gathered everyone here to put the pressure on me well jokes on you," Dan went to step away until Adam grabbed his shirt.

"Fucking give me another chance or one by one your family mysteriously disappears got it?" He chuckled. Dan looked around and Phil quickly saw the hint of fear behind his eyes. Phil stepped a step closer until Dan started to speak.

"Fine," Tears started at the back of his eyes and he quickly blinked them away. "I'll give you another chance," Dan said quietly but loud enough for the people to hear. A tired sigh came from the people and Adam jumped up happily crashing his lips into Dan's. Dan quickly pulled away and crossed his arms swiftly making his way out of the ballroom and back down to his room before anyone else. Phil stayed in the corner till everyone left and it was only him and Adam.

"What the fuck did you say to him?" Phil asked stepping closer. "You fucking threatened Dan he was crying what the hell did you tell him?" Phil got close to Adam. They were about the same height but Phil was stronger.

"Who are you? The guard? Why do you care?"

"Phil Lester, Dan's personal guard who are you the abusive fiancé?"

"Are you threatening me? A servant threatening a prince?" Adam snickered.

"Just asking a question, did you threaten the prince of England?" Phil said calmly.

Adam grabbed his shirt and smiled. "No," He says then lets go of Phil.

"My ass," Phil then turned away and walked down the hallway towards Dan's door. He knocked on the door and Dan popped up his head sniffing.

"Who is it?" Dan chocked back a tear wiping his face.

"Button up," Dan smiled.

"Oh," Dan walked over to the door and unlocked it. Phil stood by the door a sad smile on his lips as his eyes looked over at Dan's tear stained cheeks.

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