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Wedding Day

He didn't even bother to breathe. He didn't bother to eat, sleep, he didn't care anymore. His heart was shattered and he blamed it on himself. He was the one who fell in love with Phil, he was the one who kissed Phil again, he was the one who suggested they sneak out it was all Dan, and for Dan's selfishness, he killed his only love. He should have been more careful..

"Dan snap out of it!"

He blinked a couple times looking across the room to see Louise's beaming face. Looking down servants tightened his waist with handcrafted white fabric as soft as cotton. Moments later a white castle uniform shirt was tossed over his head and fit to perfection. Dan kept quiet looking down at his wedding tux then turned around to look into the mirror. Tears threatened his eyes but he just sighed a little. Two doors unlocked and swung open. Esme came through the door a huge smile on her face and a tear in the corner of her eye.

"Dan you look so handsome." She said, her teeth whiter then pearls.

"Thank you mother."  Dan smiled flakily, his eyes drooping from lack of sleep.

"So! Dan.. you ready?" Louise pipes up. Dan blinked again his mouth in a flat line as a hairstylist fixed his hair.

"For what?"

Louise tilted her head fixing her dress. "..Your wedding?"

"Do I have a choice?" Dan snapped looking over at his mom. She was taken back by surprise and she placed a startled hand on her heart.

The hair dresser quickly finished and left the room. Louise slanted her eyes confusedly, her lips had a small gap and she lifted up her finger tilting it towards the two as her mouth filled up with words.

"Dan you know there are rules-" His mother started.

"Yes, yes rules! Rules! I know theres rules! But seriously sometimes those dumbass rules hurt the hell out of me!"

Louise backed against the door. "I'll... see you guys later.." She says quietly but neither Esme or Dan were listening. Louise quickly stepped out of the room as Dan continued talking... /screaming.

"There's rules for a reason-"

"Yeah yeah.. rules. Nobody understands, only one person understood-"

"Dan cut it out."

"It's cut out mom! It's been cut out! He's been cut out!" Dan hollered his mom just shook her head.

"Congratulations Daniel." She huffed stepping out of the little dressing room. "The ceremony will start in 5 minutes." The door slammed behind his mother and Dan flinched at the sound of it. Dan sat down on the pedestal rolling up his right sleeve. A few tears dropped looking down. Phil's bracelet linked with Dan's wrist. He sniffed breathing through his mouth his tears falling from his eyes. He squinted up at the ceiling concealing his sobs.

"God.. why?" Dan asked whispering to himself. "Phil I'm sorry I'm so sorry-"

Suddenly the piano started playing the traditional wedding march. Dan stood up and wiped his face quickly looking into the mirror. He took a breath in and exhaled into the mirror. Man did crying take some energy. He straightened out his uniform and smiled into his reflection.

He was getting married.

To the man that killed his love.

Dan stood in front of the door and they primly opened. Everyone stood at the sight of Dan, smiles on their faces. Adam turned to look at Dan and a grin grew on his face as if he was marrying the love of his life. Dan glimpsed up noticing Adam's eyes. He was stoic to the situation; emotionless. A fake tear boiled in Adam's eye and he wiped it away, damn he was good. People awed and bowed as Dan walked passed them. The church organ played till Dan finally made it up stage where Adam took Dan's hands into his own. Dan smiled looking into the crowd then back at Adam, watching his snaggle tooth. He was absolutely disgusted but smiled anyways. The choir stopped singing and it was dead silent for a moment until the priest spoke up.

𝐎𝐅𝐅 𝐋𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐓𝐒 ♛ 𝐏𝐇𝐀𝐍Where stories live. Discover now