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July 20,
3 days till the wedding.

Dan's tear stained cheeks gradually dried overnight but he couldn't sleep. It was about 6 am and the sun just now began to rise. His brain flooded with horrible thoughts of Phil getting caught on site, or being sent off to the guillotine. He sat up frightened by what his mind was able to conjure up. His eyes darted nervously around his extremely torn up, messy room from the guards who ripped apart the place in act of searching for Phil. He wiped his sweaty hair back and breathed in through his nose.

"Phil's fast- strong he can do this.." Dan whispered to himself trying to convince not only him but his mind. Dan wiped his face and shakily took the duvet off his legs. He shuddered at the sharp, arctic air and tip-toed over to the bathroom sniffling.

But his mind wouldn't let him believe that Phil was going to be okay, because by all means, it was him against the whole nation. People now deliberately were hearing the rumors of 'The second man' and 'The deficient man of the England throne'. It all nonchalantly seeped into others minds of the new crowned king and his other man. The servers for the castle heard bits and pieces of the story and added on to it by announcing it to their families, making the whole story just one big lie worsening Phil's case if he ever gets spotted. Which he won't... hopefully.

Dan took a deep breath in and let it out fleetly looking into his mirror. His nails dug into the counter as he gripped onto the sink. He didn't expect any different then what he saw in his reflection. His hair a curly mess, his face swollen like it was stung by millions of bees and bags sagging under his eyes. He tightened his grip on the sink dropping his gaze to the floor. It was way to early but his mind wouldn't let him sleep. To anxious and worried about Phil's life. Suddenly the bedroom door creaked and Dan jumped at the sound of it. It screeched wide and Dan lifted his bare feet towards the bathroom door peaking out.

"Where is he?" A man dressed in all black said in haste throwing the duvet off the bed. Adam sighed angrily stomping into the room checking the closet. Dan's heartbeat thumped apace as he looked through the small crack in the door.

"He probably had some early lessons." He grunted thrusting his foot at a desk making it shake. Dan placed his hand over his mouth trying to stay hidden and not make a peep.

"God Adam I can't keep this up for any longer, you better get your cards in line because I don't feel like being your personal assistant, I've got other jobs you know-"

"Oh shut it, after the wedding will be the best time anyway, I just wanted you to scare him out of his mind," Adam smiled stepping by Dan's desk picking up the ring that he gave him inspecting it. It seemed as if it was stepped on a couple times and scratches at the letters ruined the expensive ring. "Once he knows about you he'll definitely bend to my will making me climb to the top," He snickered putting the ring back on the desk. "This is way to easy and he's way to easily manipulated."

"God you're evil." The man said stepping out of the room. Adam smirks twisting his torso to look around the room and finally follows after the man. Hearing the loud squeaky door shut Dan let out a gigantic shaky breath starting to hyperventilate. He gulped looking up at the ceiling swallowing tears.

What the hell was Adam doing? He hired someone to kill him so no blood would be left on his hands.. literally? Dan was being forced to love a... murder. He wanted to tangle his fingers with Phil's as he whispered in his ear 'everything is going to be alright' like he always did. Even when being chased down by the kingdom's guards everything was alright. Dan wanted to believe that.. but bloody hell nothing was alright. Dan cried silently leaning against the now closed bathroom door wiping his face.

A few moments later he got himself up and tried to calm his self. If he couldn't sleep before he couldn't sleep now. He opened the door moving his feet onto the carpet, and shifted over towards his bed. He wanted to cry but he just breathed in deeply letting it out.

𝐎𝐅𝐅 𝐋𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐓𝐒 ♛ 𝐏𝐇𝐀𝐍Where stories live. Discover now