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A several hours later..

Dan's head hung low as his hands were tied back behind a chair. He was sitting in a large room that looked kinda like an abandoned warehouse. Men doused themselves with black clothing and paint so they wouldn't be noticed for such treason. They stood in corners of the warehouse making sure Dan wouldn't do anything stupid. He was tired of this. It wasn't like anyone cared.. they just needed a good heir over the throne. He was sat on a chair in front of the door's opening. Suddenly foot steps made their way closer. Dan lifted his head up haltingly and his eyes focused on a big man.

"Hey there princey," He mocked, he had a very thick French accent. Dan lowered his gaze back to the floor. Bruises littered his skin already.. he was to exhausted to take more. "Jesus? You guys tired the fag out didn't you?"

Dan flinched at the insult but kept his view on the dirty floor. The man gripped Dan's chin gruffly making him look up.

"Well well well? The pansy ain't tough no more?" He laughed, his blubbery stomach bounced with his chuckle and he pried off his mask revealing his whole face.

"Why don't you just kill me?" Dan blurted, causing the men's laughter to be cut short, his dark eyes squinting up at the man. "It would do you all some good, knowing I'm dead? Wouldn't it?"

The 'leader', or so Dan inferred, lent down and scanned Dan's hazelnut eyes, revealing his black ones to the prince.

"Do you know who I am?" The man says smiling a evil grin, his teeth as yellow as dandelions. Dan tilted his head.

"I don't recall you.. or your 'gang' all I know is that you kidnaped me for money, and that I'm in an abundance amount of pain.. like you care."

"You're right.. I really don't care." He laughed. "I'm Kais.. and I have one question for you." He stepped around Dan's chair, a snobbish smirk lingering on his lips. He put his hands on the back of the chair, his colossal knuckles turning red by the way he was gripping.

Dan shrugged.

He hesitated for a second, scratching his five
o-clock shadow. He giggled almost inaudibly knowing he was going to break the prince. "Where was the guard? You were basically.. given to us." He snickered.

Dan looked forward as he took a deep breath in, exhaling shakily through his mouth. It's only been a few days since the man he loved took his finale breath. He wanted to tell Phil that he loved him. The words were stuck on his tongue never going to abandon his mouth. Never. He wished to see those piercing bluish-green orbs of actual sunshine again. The sufferance was intolerant. No allowance, dispensation, or authorization to be able to hear his candy-floss like voice again.. and that was heartbreaking. A tear almost fell from Dan's eye but he sat up straighter.

"H-He's dead." Dan tried to sound blunt but goddamn he was hurting.

"Awe? Non replaceable I suppose.. are you crying? Guys! Look! The prince is crying!" He yelled the men looked over and giggled. "This is why we can't have a fag as king.. all they do is cry-"

"Excuse me?" Dan hissed. "Okay listen up here needle dick just because I'm gay doesn't mean that I'm not cable of running a kingdom I've been training to be king since I was four. Got it you homophobic bitch-"

Kais held a gun to the temple of Dan's head. "What was that peanut?"

"Shoot me.. then you won't get your money.. you don't scare me Kais. I might be gay but I'm not afraid to speak."

"Huh? Tough again apparently?" He pulled out a sharp blade and dragged it against Dan's neck. "Scared now pretty boy?"

Kais shimmied in front of Dan resting his weight on his knees. Dan leaned close, his wrist tugging him back causing slight bruises to form. "Bite me."

𝐎𝐅𝐅 𝐋𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐓𝐒 ♛ 𝐏𝐇𝐀𝐍Where stories live. Discover now