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April 29

"Mrs. Howell do you mind if I take Dan out for a little bit?" Phil smiled peeking through the study. Esme put down her book, taking off her reading glasses.

"Isn't it kind of late to be going out at this time and what about dinner?"

"Yes, but I figured the later it was the less people their would be to recognize him,"

"Okay..." She thought for a moment more then nodded. "Alright, don't be to long, I can trust you with my son correct?"

Phil nodded. "Of course, it's my job,"

"Okay then, I want you guys home by 11 understood?"

"I understand," Phil smiled.

"Okay, you may leave,"

Phil quickly bowed and made it back down the hallway to Dan's room. He opened the door and shut it behind him.

"So? Can we go?" Dan asked excitedly sitting on his knees on top of the bed.

"Yes but-"

"But what?" Dan frowned.

"You can't go outside in that," Phil gestured to Dan's clothes.

"What? What's wrong with my clothes?"

"Nothing's wrong with them it's just- you'll stand out,"

"Oh, so what do you suggest I do?"

Phil smirked walking into his room. He came back with a band shirt and a pair of jeans. He tossed them on the bed next to Dan. He knitting his eyebrows together looking down at the clothes. Phil laughed as Dan snapped his head up.

"Why are you looking at them like that?" Phil smiled looking at Dan sweetly.

"Uh? These look... different?" Dan looked up at Phil.

"They're normal comfortable clothes, put them on and we'll go,"

Dan slipped off the bed grabbing the clothes and walking off to his closet to change. Phil sat on the bed waiting for Dan to come out.

"I don't know if I like them..." Dan looked down at the blue jeans and t-shirt. Phil giggled as Dan swam in his clothes.

"I'll get you a belt," He laughed as Dan struggled to walk in Phil's jeans. Phil quickly hemmed Dan's clothes making them fit better.

"Okay ready?" Phil smiled. Dan nodded happily.

Dan was finally out and free from worries, even just for a moment it felt as if he wasn't drowning in duties, and he could actually take in some fresh air.

He followed Phil to the royal garage, which held every staff member's personal car including all the limousines the Howell's road in. Phil had a pretty good car. Dan smiled as he opened the passenger side door for him and shut it once Dan had stepped inside.

Thoughts rambled in his head during those few seconds of Phil walking to the other side of the car only to open the door cutting Dan off.

"Hungry?" Phil asked opening the garage door and starting up the engine.


Phil backed out carefully and turned around making his way to the front gate. The outside guards opened the gate and they were on their way.

"Have you actually ate fast food before?" He asked glancing over at Dan every few seconds.

"No, this is actually the first time I've been outside the castle without 50 guards at my side and crowds, it's nice," Dan sighed happily looking out the window as the day slowly began to turn into night.

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