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Wedding Day

Phil paced the room adjusting his tie restlessly. Esme swatted his hands away and he shoved his hands into the pockets of his suit.

"Calm Phil, it's just a wedding."

"It's the kings wedding.."

"It's your wedding as well." She remarks, a smile growing on her face. "I'm glad it's you.."

"So.. you never agreed to Adam?" Phil asked turning his head.

"I wanted Dan to have a genuine love not a forced one.. and with you he has that," She stepped closer and put her hands on his shoulders. "I know you'll protect him."

A effortless grin swarmed over Phil's face. She hugged him and he hugged Esme back.

The wedding march rang through the air and Phil's stomach dropped at the sound of it. He was anxious but more then ready.

The altar seemed so far that it felt like he was walking down the isle for years. Phil was having some sort of outer body experience. One moment he was hugging Esme the next moment he was stepping towards the priest where he was going to be marring the heir.. insane. He may or may not have almost stumbled over a small flower, thankfully he didn't fall.

People were stoic looking at the new king of England but they were happy considering it was Phil. They were excited and curious on how the couple would rule over their nation.

Phil's mind was screaming as he looked out at the crowd they all stared back some with happy smiles.. some with snickers but it didn't kill the spirit of the day. It was to special to kill with a look. Minutes later Dan stepped through the door. Ever since Dan got shot they weren't separated for more than an hour. But because of the wedding ceremony they were forced apart for a week. Phil, obviously, made sure Dan was alright constantly checking up on him- He was beautiful.

Dan looked up, his eyes reflecting the sun as he glanced at Phil. He just wanted to run over there, pick him up and spin him around and oh my god how long does it take to walk 6 feet holy-

Phil felt his cheeks noticing a few tears and people awed at the sight of the love between the two.

Dan made it up the podium and giggled whilst a toothy smile was revealed on his face; an overjoyed smile.. a real smile.

Dan took Phil's cheeks into his hands wiping the small tears off his face. His hair, his outfit, his grin, his everything was perfect to Phil and Phil couldn't wait any longer for this moment.

"Ready?" Dan says cupping Phil's face.

"More ready then I've ever been."

Phil straightened out Dan's infinity necklace and Dan gripped onto the bracelet enfolding with Phil's wrist. A grin on both of their faces as the priest began to speak.

𝐎𝐅𝐅 𝐋𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐓𝐒 ♛ 𝐏𝐇𝐀𝐍Where stories live. Discover now