1k READS?!

158 11 4

My heart. You guys my heart!!! MY FREAKING HEARTT!!! YOU don't have any idea how much this means to me.. like I've said many times before I write my escape. My escape was this book an it means so much holy shit SO MUCH that you guys liked this book. I'm crying. I saw it and I jumped up and screamed at me sister she didn't care but holy shit I do I danced for like 10 minutes still effing bewildered over this.. 1k reads. 1k READS! YOU GUYS I LOVE YOU. I know some of you think I'm crazy but this means so much so fucking much! My heart hurts because of it BUT ITS A GREAT PAIN BECAUSE I ACTUALLY ACCOMPLISH SOMETHING IN MY WORTHLESS LIFE!! AH HA!! GODDD! HOLY! But yeah thank you each and everyone of you for commenting, voting, reading everything! I love it I love it so much. Every comment or pm or vote of anything I go ballistic because it means so much. But yeah I would liked to thank so many of you guys who kept me from not dying in a ditch. My best friend, my blood my like holy savior DarlingBeanz because without her I would one wouldn't be alive and two wouldn't even have been in the Phandom in first place so go follow her. I have so much thanks to everyone who's reading this right now. And I'm crying wow okay well I love you guys each and everyone please stay safe and positive because in the end whatever bad or pain will subside. Thank you my lovelies stay beautiful and amazing kisses if you ever need anything (a friend, inspiration, covers, rants, pro tips;)) please feel free to pm me or comments get to me in some way and I'll help and do whatever I can. Okay I love you peeps peace <3 (/^-^(^ ^*)/

I hate this book so much now haha
It's like funny to see people still read it even though it's complete shit compared to how I write now lmao.
Still thanks so much for the reads but like I came to apologize for how shitty lol.
It was my first fanfic which is why I wrote the Declaration of Independence when it first came out ^^ lol
Still tho thxxx!

𝐎𝐅𝐅 𝐋𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐓𝐒 ♛ 𝐏𝐇𝐀𝐍Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz