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3 weeks later

"Chin up," The instructor demanded for the 6th time. Dan lifted his chin walking down the red carpeted hallway, his arms forced tightly at his sides. Stiff as a board he successfully stepped down carpet with out getting yelled at to restart. "Left foot, right foot, good yes.. No! No! Don't look at your feet look beyond the crowd!" Dan stiffened his head looking rather uncomfortable. King James stood on a platform inside the castle as Esme stood to the side a huge smile on her face. Behind them was a sword in a glass case that eventually would be used at Dan's real coronation, for now it was just for practice. The grand duke of the castle guards took James's crown and put it on Dan's head as Dan kneeled at the platform. James stood to the side again linking arms with his wife. The grand duke began to speak.

"Do you solemnly swear to govern the people of England as long as you shall reign."

"I do solemnly swear." Dan answered.

"Stop shifting Daniel," The instructor hissed. Dan sighed strengthening his back looking up at the grand duke. James removed the the glass case that was protecting the sword and handed it over to the duke. He took it in his hands and began to touch each of Dan's shoulders and his head with it.

"Then it is my honor and my joy to bless our new king."

"Alrighty! Thank you, I think I'm ready for my coronation." Dan says quickly standing up and brushing himself off. 

Phil smiled his arms crossed staring at his prince.

"Shouldn't we practice one more time?" The queen suggested tipping her pointer finger towards the instructor.

"No no, I have it down. Thank you sir for instructing me for my coronation." Dan bowed towards the instructor then towards his parents. He turned around attempting to walk out of the room.

Phil laughed silently in the corner pushing himself off the wall he was leaning against. They only practiced about 10-20 times and some of the times he had to restart but I mean.. who was counting? Not Phil!

"Daniel not so fast." His father announced making everyone flinch and advert their attention to the king.


"Would you care to tell me why you are in such a hurry to leave?"

"No reason dad." Dan sighed.

"You are aware every part of this coronation has to be perfect, you have to be perfect. No trips, no stumbles, no slouches. You have to act perfect."

"Yes father I am aware."

"Are you sure you are? If I hand my kingdom to my unworthy, unwilling, intolerable son the people will have your head understand?"

Dan nodded.

"They already don't like you because of your sexuality so you got to prove them you're more-"

"Oh god, here it comes the sexuality lecture, dad they're people in this room could we continue this later?"

"Daniel listen to your father." Esme commanded.

"When do I don't? I have to listen to him he's the king for fucks sake!"

Everyone gasped at Dan's language and James sneered his eyes.

"Son! Go to your room."

"With pleasure!" Dan bowed cockily and made it out of the room towards his. Phil followed with a confused expression.

Dan huffed slamming his face in his pillows.

"I'm a 17 year old grounded like a 13 year old." Dan mumbled.

𝐎𝐅𝐅 𝐋𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐓𝐒 ♛ 𝐏𝐇𝐀𝐍Where stories live. Discover now