The Day We Met

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The day we met. That day I had no idea that I'd meet the woman that I would someday fall in love with. As I sit in her old bedroom, I look back on all the things we did, all the things we could have done. I lay on her bed and look around the room, there's only one thing that catches my eye; her notebook. I have always known about her notebook, she never let it out of her hands, but I never got a glimpse into it, that is until today. I got up from the bed and grabbed it, opening it to the very first page, and I read it. Everything, every last word in that notebook, I read it until it finally sunk in, until everything made sense.

We see each other every year... and every time we say goodbye it hurts a little more... I never wanna give him up, but then I remember there's always next summer. This boy, he was different from the rest. I knew it from the moment we met, it was something that I just felt.

It was June 20th of 2003 when my mom drove me down to my aunt's house for the first summer ever. My mom and I never got along, but this year was different, she was pregnant. My stepdad had knocked her up and disappeared to god knows where. She didn't want to be near anyone that summer, especially me. I understood that, she didn't even explain it to me but I could see it in her eyes when she said goodbye to me.

"Summer and I will be just fine, promise me that you'll be okay Jen." My aunt Beck said.

"I'll be just fine, look after my girl. I'll be back in September, hopefully with Elijah out of me." My mother said.

They said their goodbyes and then my mom was gone. Beck put her arm around me and said; "It's just you and me kid. Come on, let's get you to your room."

My aunt had just as much luck with men as my mom. Beck was engaged last year until her fiancé left her for an even younger and hotter woman. But Beck always got back on her feet, no matter how many times she got her heartbroken.

We entered the house and went down into the basement. Beck had managed to convert her basement into a cute little apartment just for me. I smiled and gave her a hug.

"So I was thinking of going along with the first party of the summer here, that's if you're okay with it?" Beck asked.

"Of course, but isn't it gonna be a bit awkward? It's not like I know anyone in Baltimore." I said and she smirked.

"Trust me, the boys here will get to know you." She said, making me chuckle.

She had to go running for supplies so I decided to take this time to go riding on my skateboard. Mom wouldn't let me do it for awhile back home because she was scared that I would get hurt and she'd have to pay for another mistake I made. But Beck doesn't mind it.

I went down the street and turned into the park where I saw a few guys hanging out. I was about to ride right past them and then my skateboard hit a twig causing me to lose balance. I thought I was going to fall, that is until two hands caught me. I released the breath that I was holding in and turned around to see one of the guys. He was cute, his hair swept to the side and his smile was too sweet to resist.

"Thanks, I honestly thought I was gonna lose my future career as a skateboard champion." I said making him laugh.

"No offence Blue, but I don't think you really had a future in that area of expertise." His friend with a blonde streak in his hair said.

"Please excuse Jack, he has no filters. My name is Alex and I really like your shirt." He said.

"Thanks, I love Blink 182. My name's Summer. So are you guys doing anything tonight?" I asked.

Her Name Was Summer Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora