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One dark and dreadful night, Slug walked down the empty hallways. Crows cawed outside. The grandfather clock ticked loudly.


Slug shivers a bit when a sudden cold breeze blew by. He slowly made his way to his lab. After he entered and went to his desk, the lab door slammed shut. Slug turns to see White Hat with his clawed hand on the door.

"White Hat!!! What the hell man!!!! Scared me there for a bit" said Slug, huffing. White slowly lowered his arm, his claws lightly grazing against the door. He soon walked towards Slug, giving off a very dark aura.

"Heheh, very funny sir, now stop that.." White continued to go towards him, his gaze locked onto Slug.

"White Hat!!! STOP THAT!!!! THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?!" Slug backed up against his desk. Suddenly, a white tendril slams Slug onto the desk as White was between Slug's legs.

"What's wrong with me, you ask? Well... This is because of you..." Grimly said White Hat. Slug now sees White's eye; black with red pupil.

"... Ok ok, look White Hat, I know I treated you badly...but I-"

"Shut up..."


"Did you ever wondered how it felt, Slug? The pain... The mentality... The fear... I trusted you... But it seems all villains are alike. They only care for themselves and destroy everyone around them... You don't think I know what you have done to Clemencia? Or that 6.0.6., your creation, hates you for hurting her and I? Well... Let's call this justice... For me, PAYBACK..."

"Wha-" Slug barely could speak when White Hat shoves his long, wet, and blue tongue into his mouth. Raising his hand, White slashes Slug's clothes away, cutting his a little. Slug moans when White's tongue travels further down his throat. Soon pleasure turned into pain when White deeply drags his claws down Slug's back and calves. White tendrils appeared and binds Slug's ankles and wrists. White's tongue slowly slide out of Slug's mouth, leaving a trail of drool.

"You seem to get off by this... Pity.." White showed his mint blue teeth before his physical body began to became the demon he is. White rips away the paper bag and googles. And stares at Slug's terrified face.

"White Hat..."

"It's too bad we couldn't be ...together I guess... Did you know I had a crush on you?" Slugs eyes widen. And blushed.

"White Hat liked me? He had a crush on me!?!" Thought Slug.

"I hope you can forgive me soon...." White kisses Slug as more tendrils with mouths bites Slug hard. White didn't look human like, he was truly a demon as his shirt opens showing eyes, mouths, and ungodly monstrosity. Despite the horrific scene, Slug blushes to White's hard cock. White grabs Slug's neck and slams his cock roughly inside. Slug screamed out in pain to White's size. White thrusts deeply and hard causing Slug to groan in pain. It got worse when two  tendrils thrusts themselves inside as well, stretching Slug's hole wider.

"Ahhh!!!! It's too much!!!! Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!" Screams Slug. White thrusts harder, claws at Slug's body, and bites roughly at Slug's neck. Bruises, deep cuts, and painfully pleasure filled Slug's body. After a few more thrusts, White cums inside. Panting, Slug cums as well. White slowly lets go of Slug and watches as he slid off his desk.

"... Remember... I liked you... But now..maybe not.." White Hat reformed to normal and left the lab. Slug sat there. Tears fell down his cut cheeks.

"... He liked me..... He liked me...." Croaked Slug. His mind went wild with thoughts. Is there a way to fix this?

Love Hurts ( White Hat x Dr. Slug)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat