The Ray Gun

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It turned out that after White hat and Slug were done with the lovely tentacle sex, White's heat died down and returned to normal. This pissed off Slug a lot. This could have been avoided. A week passed, Slug was in the lab with Clemencia. They were working on White Hat's birthday. Slug grumbles to himself as he throws another crumbled paper across the lab.

"Birthdays are fucking hard..." Growled Slug.

"Don't worry about it!! You'll get the hang of it~" Clemencia said smiling. Suddenly, a loud boom sounded and everything shook. Slug grabs Clem and runs outside. Both see White Hat fighting a black villain. His skin, head to toe, was black, his eyes were multicolored, his clothes were neon blue and green. Slug looks around to see some of the city being damaged with Madame Hero fighting giant drones.

"Fuck.. Clemencia!!! Get 6.0.6.!!!! It's time to kick ass!!!" Yelled Slug as he pulls about a deadly ray gun. Clemencia does what she was told as Slug runs to White's side.

"Dammit... This villain is strong..." Growled White.

"Not for long, sir.." Slug fired his ray at the villain. He misses.

"Hehehahahah!!!! Is that all you got, heroes!?!?" Laughed the villain, smiling with evil glee. At the same time, both White Hat and Slug charge at him. The villain's sidekick shows up, kicking Slug back, letting White Hat fight off the villain. Slug looked at the sidekick. He was majority white with lime green at the legs. His eyes were sky blue. And looked like a speeder.

"You can not interfere with my master's fight, mortal..." He spoke, his voice was soft yet stern.

"Hehehehehe, and you are gonna stop me?" Taunted Slug, pulling out his hidden sickles. Both heroes and villains fought out. Power against power, skills against skills, and injury after injury. Slug panted as he was hit in the chest with one of the sidekick's punches.

"Give up, mortal!! You can't win!!!"

"Go to hell..." Slug pulls out his ray gun. The sidekick runs to him at such flying speed.

"SIR!!! THE GUN!!!" Yelled the sidekick, roundhouse kicking Slug's face and the ray gun to his master. White Hat watched as Slug he fell hard. Then...


Everything stood still. Time slowed. Slug gets up, only to see colors. Black, white, and lots of red. Slug watched in horror as White Hat fell to his knees, blood pouring from his mouth and chest. Then he looked at the villain. He was holding his ray gun.

"Muahahahaha, bye bye hero~" he said as he takes White's tophat off and pushes him to the floor. Wearing the hat, both villain and sidekick left. Slug ran to White's side. Tears fell has he tried to stop the bleeding.

"-gurgle- s...Slug...-cough, gurgle-" choked White Hat.

"Shh!!! It's ok!!! You're gonna be ok!!!" Yells Slug. Sooner, White was in the hospital, suffered through surgery, and was put in a coma. The sound of the heart monitor echoed in the room. Slug was sitting by the bed, waiting, thinking, and grieving.

"...I ....will find him.... And kill him...." Slug's true nature was showing. The true villain that he is. And he's not happy...

Love Hurts ( White Hat x Dr. Slug)Where stories live. Discover now