Bad News

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White hat resumed business and did some make-up-for-lost-time videos. And once more, profits came rolling in. White Hat decided to take a break and decided to go for a walk.

"Slug!!! I'll be right back!!" White Hat shouted out.

"Where are you going?" Slug asked as he came to view. White Hat stared at him. "What?"

"Sorry... just... still not used to how deep your voice is... after all these years of slumber.." White covered his mouth as tears formed. Slug walked over and hugged White.

"Don't blame yourself.... it's ok baby.."

"I still feel at fault for this... I put you through so much and-" Slug pulls White Hat's face close to his and silences him with a passionate kiss. White can feel himself melting just from it. Slowly they parted, panting a bit.

"Like I said, don't blame yourself... now go silly~" Slug chuckles as he pushes White out the door. White smiles and walks out and explores his town. Some people greeted him, some waved, but mostly some laughed at him. This confused White Hat a lot when a woman walks up to him.

"Excuse me, are you the White Hat?" She asked.

"Why yes, indeed I'm White Hat."

"Weren't you in the hospital five years ago?"

"Y..yes, indeed I was... why the questions?"

"Well... you have competition with the hero business.."

"What?" Then the lady lead White to the town square. In the middle, there was a man in white, top hat, cane, and sharp teeth. White Hat clicked his teeth at the man in his sights.

"Aahahahahaha!!! Greeting folks to another EXCLUSIVE sale for heroes and commoners alike!!! As I, White Top, like to..." the man looked at White Hat before smugly smiling, "well, well, well~ of it isn't the devil himself, White Hat!!!"

"Um..." White Hat noticed the crowd now looking at him. He was about to leave when he feels a grip on his shoulder.

"Now now, White, don't be ruuude~! Last I've heard you were on your deathbed!!! We are glad to see you alive and well!!" Boast White Top.

"That's... very kind of you.." White Hat was clearing uncomfortable with this situation.

"You're very welcome!!! Now my dear chap, I need to inform you on a... how do I say... certain business news; your corporation is.... gonna shut down." White Top said bluntly. White Hat's eye widen in shock.

"S-s-shut down? What do you mean shut down?!"

"I hate to the breaker of these unfortunate news..." White Top got closer, his sharp pearl white teeth grinning my a demon from hell," my business is now the main ops for heroes~"

"Since when!?"

"Since you nearly dropped dead and when the 'Red Demon' incident was still unsolved..."


"Don't worry chap!!! I'm sure you can find your business elsewhere ~!! After all..." he get real close to White's face, snarling a bit in disgust, " wouldn't want a demon dealing with heroes and giving them false hope, now would we?...."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2019 ⏰

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