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After repairing their relationship, Slug and White Hat got along a lot better. The two would share kisses here and there. Nothing out of the normal... Well, until one day. White Hat when to City Hall for a heroes meeting. Madame Hero and Sir Elerric were already waiting for him. Huffing, White Hat finally meets up with them.

"-huff- Sorry I'm a bit late -huff- traffic these days!!!" Elerric looks at White Hat in disgust. And White noticed.

"Tck, I don't care if you're late, demon, we have business to attend..." Elerric said as he entered the court.

"White Hat, dear, you're being put to trial..." Madame Hero said quietly. White Hat gulps.

"Trial? For what!?" He thought as he entered the court as well. Rows of heroes look down at White, whispering to each other. White Hat did not like the vibe at all. Elerric sits in the judges chair.

"White Hat, founder of WH inc. and someone we heroes know very little about. I have sources telling me that that you, a albino demon, has a mad scientist in your very house, am I wrong?" Said Elerric, his tone was harsh.

"Mad? No, Dr. Slug isn't mad... He's just mean at times..."

"We know who is Dr. Slug... But do you?"


"Dr. Slug is the descendant of a very mad scientist, one who killed hundreds of civilians and heroes!!! And you hold him in your house!!! We know the bear and the girl too, creations of your scientist and you allow them to stay!!!"

"What does this have to do with me!?! And leave them alone, they are innocent!!!!" White Hat raised his voice. The other heroes were surprised to see him act like this. Madame Hero glares at Elerric.

"You, as a demon, will always be evil!!! You are nothing but a wannabe hero!!!! You're a villain just like your scientist!!!"

"No, that's not true!!! I am good!!!! I'm not evil!!!"

"How can we trust you when everyone know demons lie!!!!" White Hat froze in place. His eye widen. He looks around, seeing the other heroes shaking their heads and whispering. Then he looks at Madame Hero.

"I...I never lie... I never did in my life!!! Madame Hero, you believe me.....right?" Tears formed in White's eye. Madame Hero looks away, guilt filled her eyes.

"Even our town's hero agrees, White Hat, you are nothing but a liar, a monster, and demon." Elerric's eyes flickered lightning. White Hat looked down, griping his cane so hard that everyone in the room heard it break in half.

".... Is that so... It's true you don't know me.... But it doesn't mean you, Sir Elerric, can judge me for what I am..." White Hat looked up, his monocle broke and his eye turns black with red as tears streamed down. Everyone looked in horror to see the accused smiling insanely.

"White Hat dear?.." Madame Hero said quietly. White Hat glared at her as his body slowly became less humane.

"You...out of everyone here... I thought we were friends, my lady, but I guess I was wrong.... Is it because  I'm a demon or different?... It's such a shame..." White Hat's face slit up from his eye socket and formed a unholy mouth, his body splinted into shreds of eyes, mouths, and more unholy monstrosity. Every hero sat in fear and as slowly White Hat reformed but his suit and hat turned blood red. And evil grin creeped onto his face.

"White Hat!!!! I demand you-"

"Demand what? Is this what you pathetic excuse of a mortal wanted? Well you got it!!! Well excuse me, I have to get home..." White Hat turns to leave to court with Elerric yelling behind him. After a few hours, White opens the door to his house, a dark vibe filled the home.

"I'm home~.."

Love Hurts ( White Hat x Dr. Slug)Where stories live. Discover now