Letter 1

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Dear Alexander,


How are you doing now? I hope that you are okay and that happiness is what you are feeling at the very moment.

I know this will come as a surprise...I am surprised at myself as well. I can't believe I am writing you a letter after all those years ago but I think I have to do what I have to do.

Well, this might be awkward.

When I first met you, I never in a million years would have thought that you would have so much impact in my life even until now.

You were just a boy.

And I was just a girl.

It was as simple as that, but, who would have thought that such simplicity could be so complex at the end?

I am writing you a letter now, not to simply seek a reply from you with that question I kept asking myself and I know you are the only one who can answer it well, but also to let you know how I felt after all that happened.

I hope my letter finds you well...even if its eleven years too late.



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