Letter 5

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Dear Alexander,


I hope my letter finds you well.

I met Rosalyn last weekend. It was the first time we went out and had coffees after six months of not seeing each other. I’m sure you remember her; she was after all our classmates until we finished primary school and you two shared the same street. It was such a great time hanging out with old friends, sharing stories, and oh, she’s a primary school teacher by the way in case you didn’t know. Years fly really. We were such young rowdy kids back then but now we are all professionals in different fields we liked.

Whew, time passed so fast it seemed like when we were done with being fifth grader and was in our sixth grade already. Less innocent but still with a long way of learning ahead of us nevertheless it was such a pity because we didn’t bond well throughout the year that passed. It was a given though with how we started. However, I was sure there were atleast some improvements as the animosity I felt towards you lessened to camaraderie once we were paired in some school activities. And of course there was Brent who always wanted to play games in the field and would pull us to his shenanigans.

Come to think of it, I wasn’t actually sure why I hated your guts back then – well aside from the fact that I hated being teased – and why we were teased together when you just asked my name in the first place. It’s not like you had a crush on me – or did you have? Wait, I remember you answered that question during one of our conversations when we were in high school already.

Anyway, I really think it was ridiculous being teased incessantly back then when we were just a girl and a boy being linked to each other by some foolhardy gossips without even hints of truth in them. Children nowadays seem to take it in stride the whole ‘crush’ thing in school but during our time, it was like being submerged head first in a case of bad joke – or was that only my perception?

We could have had bonded well if people at that time didn’t put any malicious colour to whenever they saw us talking. It was of that reason alone why I dodged your attempts at striking a conversation with me. Thus, my apologies for my actions back then. I heard you were a good conversationalist, we could have talk about our favourite cartoons and TV shows at that time and argued over who was the best boy band in the world. I actually had several cassette tapes of BSB’s albums and would be fun to swap it with your A1 tapes. I wonder where those tapes now, I lost them during high school. God, I missed the ‘90’s!

It was better for kids those days; playing outside with friends was so enjoyable compared to sitting behind a computer screen all day now. But seriously though, it was awkward chasing after you when we played opposite each other’s team of hide-and-seek and tug of war. I tried not to capture you first but since I was competitive, I couldn’t let you just prowl around so I chased you relentlessly in the end. Those were good days.

But playing besides you in one team for badminton doubles during that one school sports fest was memorable. I’m sorry though for hitting you once with my racquet, it was an accident, I swear. I was just a little nervous with clammy hands knowing I’ll be spending free time and weekends practicing with you. You were good playing at it though and I guessed that’s the time when I finally warmed up in your presence. You were cool and fun to be with which made me regret the times I turned down any invitation to spend time in your presence.

This is so short but I have some errands to do today and I do have to prepare for my shift. I hope you are doing fine and I’ll write again soon!

Stay safe!



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