Letter 3

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Dear Alexander,


I hope you are doing fine.

And that you are not freaking out receiving letters from me. I wish you no harm.

Anyway, you moved out of town the summer of 1996, right? What happened to you and your family at that time? Sorry, I’m asking personal questions. I’m just really interested but you don’t have to answer it if you are not comfortable.

During the time that you were gone, I focused on my school activities. I hated going to school at that time but I managed to overcome it. This may sound arrogant but I got first place among the whole class and I actually didn’t know what I was doing to consistently get the first place anyway. Henry, the obnoxious boy from the first grade was still making my life a living hell at that time and would wink at me like he thought it was cute but it was plain irritating actually. I used to glower at him whenever he made a move on me but he became tolerable as the years went by to the point of me speaking and playing with him. He made my time in grade school interesting and memorable to say the least.

I’m actually smiling right now remembering the embarrassing and silly things he did. I don’t know what happens to him or where he is right now. The last time I saw him was during the summer of when I went back to our hometown during college vacation. He was playing basketball with some of our guys in town but we didn’t talk. I wondered if he remembered that one text he sent me when we were in high school. He specifically told me to wait for him. It was sweet of him but I knew that he knew that he had a slim chance with me from the start. He was good looking with curly black hair and an easy going smile with a wicked sense of humour but he wasn’t doing it for me. The last time I heard of him, he already married someone else. How fickle the heart was? Oh well, it was for the best.

I’m sorry for telling you these as they didn’t concern you at all. I was distracted and he was a perfect diversion for I never felt your absence from school until your cousin Brent reminded me of you.

And that’s when I finally learned your name.

Brent was an adorable boy back then during our second grade. He was so cute; chubby with mischievous smile all the time but that wasn’t the reason why we got close during that time. For all the luck in the world, I was fated to be seated behind him in a row to gather his trash after the bell rang because if I didn’t, we would be the last to go out the classroom and I didn’t want it. How unlucky was I and how fortunate was he? Ha-ha! His mischievousness didn’t stop from throwing crumpled papers but extended to looking at me with puppy eyes when he wanted to copy my assignments. He was lucky I was being kind back then and well he was sharing his snacks with me though. How is he now by the way? We lost communication shortly after college. I heard he’s up there in Canada. Tell him I missed his chubby hugs. He was all hard muscles the last time we hugged and it wasn’t as good as before.

Anyhow, I learned you two were cousins when he mentioned by passing when we were playing cards that his favourite cousin moved out of town and he was sad that he no longer had a playmate. I asked who he was talking about and he told me about the boy that treated the whole class for ice cream last year. That’s when I realized he was referring to you.

The summers came and went by and I barely wondered where that boy who gave me a cone of ice cream went to. It was until you suddenly came back that I realized you left quite an impression on me.

By the way, Alexander Lopez III sounded like a cool name from a history book. I wonder why you are not using the III in your name now.

Have a nice day ahead!  



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