A Full Recovery

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"Eve! V didn't think she'd be able to persuade you to come for a drink, but I'm glad! I feel like all we do is bump into each other lately. Who knew the city was this small, eh?"

Eve's jaw was locked in the same grimace smile. "I have no idea how she managed it, if I'm honest. She's a sneaky one."

Veronica laughed gaily, and Eve shot her a dark look. "Don't mind Eve, she's just cranky from a long day indoors. The pub garden is exactly what she needs to perk up."

Eve was about to point out that she was more than perky enough, but Luke's friend caught her eye, and for the second time in five minutes her jaw dropped. It was Carlos. Hunky spinning Carlos and he wasn't dressed head to toe in pastel but in fitted jeans and a long sleeve t-shirt that fitted him like an expensive glove.

It was drool inducing.

He was moving in slow motion, gracefully weaving in between benches and patrons as he balanced two pints with a packet of crisps tucked under his arm. He was making a silly face at Luke and for a moment Eve thought he didn't recognise her, the mismatch between her sweaty red face and her pale, lip balmed one to great to overcome. But then he came to a stop, handing over Luke's drink, and wiping his wet palm on his jeans.

"This is Carlos, but don't write him off just yet. He did offer to pick up drinks for you both, but I wasn't sure what you liked."

"That's right, I'm not horribly rude. I just didn't want to waste a beer on someone who didn't appreciate it. That's an irreversible crime in my book." His words here hard but his tone jovial, and he stuck a hand out, first to Veronica, who lightly shook it, and then he turned toward Eve, palm upright.

"I've already heard all about a lovely blonde named Veronica, so you must be..." He made firm eye contact and Eve thought she saw a flicker of recognition.

Gripping his cool hand in hers, she gave it a firm shake. "Eve," she introduced herself, but it was a wasted effort for in the same moment that she spoke, Carlos uttered her name in sync.

It was like there was an echo in the garden, her name bouncing between them like a ball between walls.

"Do you two know each other?" Luke had seated himself already, taking the seat directly across from Veronica and leaving Eve to share the slightly too narrow bench with Carlos. It was cosy, to say the least.

Carlos happily explained, settling snuggly against Eve in the bench. "I'm a personal trainer over at Health Tone, and Eve took one of my classes last week."

Veronica turned to her friend, startled. "Eve? You're a member of a gym?! Since when? You never told me this!"

"That's because I never go," Eve admitted. "I haven't gone since. It was a terrible, horrible mistake and I won't be returning."

"Was it that bad?" Carlos asked, turning towards her, his rock hard thigh pressing into her, making it slightly harder to think.

"Oh, no, sorry! That sounded rude!" She placed a consoling hand on his forearm, and instantly regretted it. Those muscles were just as impressive, and warm through the thin fabric of his shirt. "The class was fine, but I wasn't. It took me the whole week to recover. Everything hurt and I thought about self-medicating but that would have involved hobbling to the pharmacy. I didn't have the strength."

Carlos laughed, smiling widely. "Well, in that case I forgive you, though you are clearly much recovered."

"I wouldn't count on it. I still avoid stairs."

"What made you go to the gym in the first place? That's very unlike you." Veronica was paying more attention to Eve and Carlos than she was to Luke.

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