A Change of Plan

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Eve tried to focus on the stage, to clap and cheer with enthusiasm as an older man zoomed into view on a Segway, wearing very little clothes. As he proceeded to juggle she found her thoughts creeping back to Andrew and their kiss.

Her lips were still tender from the moment, and she pressed her fingers to them, feeling the warmth and trying to remember exactly how she had felt in his embrace.

She had felt pretty damn good.

The guy could kiss, there was no doubt about it.

Eve had never been one for PDA but Drew had successfully pushed away her concerns about public scenes, something no previous boyfriend had managed.


She shook her head in frustration, her hand moving from her lips to her hip, chastising herself. Drew was clearly not her boyfriend, no matter how good he kissed.

If Cupid had taught Eve anything, it was this. She should not rely on every single man to complete her. There was certainly a person out there who could help her raise her game, and hopefully he wasn't the Chinese man he had previously suggested, but she was perfectly complete as is. Man or no man, Eve was whole.

So why had Andrew had such an effect on her?

It was irrelevant, really.

The locket didn't care about their clinch, so neither should she.


Right. Definitely. Probably.



Get it together, Guinevere!

It had been much easier to convince herself of this notion of 'independent woman don't need no man' when the man in question was Carlos The Creep. Her eyes were now trained on Drew Harper and that was a whole other kettle of fish.

Trying to contain her raging hormones, Eve focussed on the fact that only moments after their lusty chat she had spied Polly preying on Andrew.

The girl was a louse but it was hard to picture Andrew being oblivious to Polly's charms. And by charms Eve meant her breasts.

Rather than wander down a mean-spirited pathway, Eve tried to focus on the stage, just in time to watch Segway Man zoom off, flashing his tight whiteys as he leant forward, his tuxedo tails flapping in his wake.

Giggling along with the crowd, Eve tried to shimmy forward into a gap, making her way towards her grandmother as Barbara tiptoed onto the stage.

Barbara's stage outfit was a lot less shocking than Segway's, though she certainly made a statement in her Magician's Assistant get up. Her fitted dress was covered in more sequins than a Juicy Couture butt, and her eyeshadow was a shiny magenta that highlighted her brown eyes and matched the dress. Skyscraper tall heels and she was a walking spotlight without a pack of cards in sight.

"Ladies and gentleman," her usually confident mother's voice was shaking. "There has been a slight change of plans." Barbara smiled so nervously that Eve felt her own lips twitch.

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