H-two-oh damn!

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It was Johnny that spoke up, shockingly enough. "While I understand the misgivings, sir, I think we can all agree that nothing came of the mistake, so we could certainly chalk this one up to lack of experience."

Helping or hurting, Johnny?

Eve had the sudden urge to shove him violently, like a five year old on the playground. Picturing a small Johnny wasn't overly pleasant, with his large head and tiny limbs, but Edwin had survived it so maybe it hadn't been that bad. To be fair, Eve was picturing adult Johnny's head on a toddler's body. It was disconcerting to say the least. It would also explain why Edwin had played Hide and Seek with the kid. Anything for a break, even if it involved locking him in a cupboard.

It hit her like a bullet. "I appreciate the support, Mr. Burton, but I don't think there's actually any basis to the argument. There was, in fact, at least one designated fire safety station on the premises. I saw it myself, during an inspection."

It was true. She had seen it, covered in dust in that same cupboard that Edwin had shown her, where the money box had also been hidden. The inspection may not have been for ascertaining insurance coverage, but that didn't change the result.

"Er - really?" Was it her imagination or did Johnny look a little peaky?

"I thought you would have been aware, I believe you saw the station yourself. Are you feeling ok, Johnny? It's not like you to be forgetting things like this. I hope there isn't a history of dementia in your family?"

She'd pushed a little too far with that last bit, but her blood was boiling for revenge and it was making her run her mouth like a MMA fighter with something to prove.

While Johnny was gaping Eve gave the room an over-the-top sympathetic look. If Johnny thought he could undermine her he was in for a bit of a dirty fight. The lady with the shoulder pads was smirking back at her but it was Drew's reaction that gave her the most satisfaction.

For the first time, in countless meetings, he actually raised his glass of water to his lips and, glory be to those who thirst in the name of all that is good, he took a bloody sip.

It was like the first drop of rain after a drought. Eve's pulse raced. How did someone look so delicious doing such a menial task? If his thirst was quenched then hers was only magnified, especially when he delivered the slightest of winks as he returned his glass to the table.

Eve was subtly trying to check for signs of drool when Harper Senior cut in again. "Speaking of Mister Burton's memory lapses, there is the equally important matter of the missing money box."

Eve fought back a smile. The alliteration, combined with Senior's droll accent, made him sound like a slapstick Sherlock.

"What missing money box? It was in the possession of an employee at all times. It never actually went missing, that was all a misunderstanding."

"As gregarious as it is for you to take the blame for your colleagues, the question remains the same. For a period of time we were unaware of the location of charity funds entrusted to us by the public. These sort of ineptitudes are inexcusable."

"It was a moment of whimsy, nothing more!" Eve couldn't keep her mouth closed, nor stop the excuses flowing out.

"Our fiscal responsibilities are not whimsical, Ms Higgins, and while I appreciate your flighty objections it is not you who is at fault."

"Wha- oh!" She swallowed her next outburst with an audible gulp.

Was it truly possible that Harper Senior was about to lecture Johnny? That the jumped up twerp would finally get his comeuppance and maybe a little rap on the knuckles?

Was that mirth bubbling up within her or just sadistic glee?

"No, the blame for this fiasco lies entirely with my son."

Well if that didn't take the wind out of her self-satisfied sails. 

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