Step One

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"Oh, but you haven't even heard me out, sir!" She was stuttering and spluttering. She could already see Johnny's smug face and she thought she might need the loo.

"I'm really sorry, Eve, but I really can't listen to anything you say unless you agree to start calling me 'Edwin'." He smiled kindly at her, leaning back in his seat behind his fancy desk.

"Wh-what?" She was in shock.

"Don't you think we've known each other long enough to warrant ignoring formalities? Unless you're frightened of me."

Eve couldn't help but smile back. "Sorry, um, Edwin... wow, that's weird to say."

"Imagine saying it to a small child. I think my teachers ignored me for the first few years, just so they didn't have to say it aloud."

She laughed along with him, unable to see a world in which that wasn't odd. Edwin wasn't your usual silver haired fox, but she could see there was a certain charm to him that would make someone like Molly very happy. It was a pity Cupid couldn't find someone just as kind for her own mother, but she knew if she stuck it out long enough he would come through. Hopefully.

"Now, Eve, what can I do for you, lack of pregnancy not withstanding?" He was smiling, distractedly organising his desk.

"Well, I was going through the accounts for the fundraiser and I couldn't help but notice we have a lower number of sponsors than we usually do. I think I might have a solution for that, provided you agree."

"Hmm. To be frank, Eve, I've had very little to do with the fundraiser organisation ever since you started getting involved. I trust you implicitly, I'm not sure why you feel the need to ask my permission on anything."

Eve winced. "Well, while I appreciate your vote of confidence, in this case I don't want to look like I'm mixing business with pleasure, so to speak."

Edwin raised his eyebrows in curiosity.

"Well, every year my company hosts a Company Outing for the employees and their families. I'm in charge of sorting it this year and I was thinking that the fundraiser would be the perfect opportunity to combine the two? But I don't want to take advantage of my position with you by enforcing that, without your go ahead." She smiled winningly. If her pearly whites didn't seal the deal, she wouldn't really be surprised, coffee stained as they were, but at least she'd know it was time to invest in Crest Whitening Strips.

"What would that involve, exactly?"

"Well, as far as you're concerned it would be business as usual. You would get your full sponsorship, there would be the added bonus of a larger attendance so you might even raise more money. I don't think it could harm the event in any way."

"Then why the hesitation? What does your company get from this? Or, I suppose, what do you get?" The man was a lot more perceptive than she realised. Curses.

"Well... I may have a point to prove. Or two, actually. At the risk of blowing your good opinion, my company has recently started moving in a direction I don't agree with. I feel quite strongly that we should remain true to our original directive, providing services to the little companies. However, there has been talk of pursuing bigger names at the expense of the clients that joined our company in the first place."

"Well, that seems like a worthy cause. That's only one point, though. You promised me two. I can't help but suspect there is an ulterior motive here."

She sighed, her cheeks reddening. Her fair complexion was really starting to hurt her evil machinations. "Well, I may also be trying to prove a point and win a bet. There's an attitude in my work place that suggests that women are more useful in the home, and I'm determined to prove them wrong. I think if I could pull off this, I might start opening my boss's eyes. Maybe actually get some of the respect I deserve, instead of watching men get it for free."

"From what I do know of your mother, she's actually best out of the home. As is everyone else, actually." He was smiling still, and he was so damn easy to chat to. His patients probably confessed more than they meant to when he saw them. She was glad she wasn't pregnant, or she might start confessing her deepest darkest secrets.

"Sorry, probably not the honourable intention this event is supposed to support. I understand if you change your mind." She wouldn't blame him. The whole point was to raise funds for community welfare, not settle a score with Eve's idiot colleague.

"Not at all. If anything, that makes my decision all the firmer. You have my full support, Ms Higgins. Maybe a few extra bodies will help prevent your mother from breathing fire this year."

Her jaw dropped. "Oh no, she's not talking about that again, is she?"

Edwin laughed, and she found the sound of that pleasant too. "No, don't worry, I'm keeping an eye on her." He glanced at his watch, frowning. "I hate to cut this meeting short, but my first patient should be here any moment, and I need to set up. As far as I'm concerned, you've got this under control. I hope you win your bet."

Beaming, Eve moved to the door. "Thanks so much Dr. Ca - oh, sorry, Edwin. My mother is very lucky to work for you."

"I'm lucky to have her. Have a nice day, Eve."

Hurdle one defeated, Eve strode to the nearest bus stop.

Poor Johnny had no idea what she had in store for him, but she knew she'd be ordering a three course meal.

Hopefully the restaurant did Surf and Turf.

And champagne.

Nothing said "Female Boss" like seafood, steak and a bottle of bubbly.

She might even invite Veronica along to take pictures. This was a memory she would want to relive over and over again. 


So I'm travelling for the next four days but never fear, I was all organised, shockingly enough, and I've pre-loaded the chapters onto my iPad so you'll still get your daily updates  

Anybody got any nasty boss stories? I had two bosses who owned the shoe shop I worked in. They owned a few shops so they would only visit every Friday, and they would take turns, so he would come one Friday and bitch about everyone, including his wife, and then she would show up the following Friday and complain about him as well. It was the worst. I HATE confrontation but when I quit I let it rip, and told them to stop involving the staff in their marital woes. He didn't like that but luckily I didn't need a reference.

What about you?

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