chapter 1

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I do not own yandere Simulator or the characters.

Ayano pov.
I grip my teeth in frustration as I hear Osana whining like a spoiled kid as she called my senpai a baka.

Senpai is not a baka. Indeed Osana Najimi is annoying as hell.

I was behind a tree listening to them talk while they walked to school. Why would senpai even notice her? She's not worth his time.

"Look Osana,if you don't want me trailing you back from school,maybe we should stop walking together?" He said.

That's my senpai! That's what I'm talking about! Don't let that scum walk on you!.

Osana jolts at the sudden change of mood. "I-i didn't mean it like that...baka!. Shut up,let's just go to school!.'

I sigh. When will she learn?. ...
I guess never.

When thy finally arrived at school,they departed ways to walk to their classrooms. Iv decided to eliminate Osana tomorrow.

I walk to my classroom and sit down in my seat. I put a book in front of me so it would look like I'm reading. I pull out my sketch notebook and flip through the pages. Each page contained a way to kill someone.

"Aha!" I said in my mind as I decide on torturing her. She deserves it anyways.
As soon as school ended,I walked to the lockers and put a sticky note inside Osanas locker, Saying to meet me outside of school tomorrow at lunch time on top of the rooftop.

I then walk to senpai's classroom and sit at his desk. I smell the air around it,and it smells great!. As expected of senpai.

I look inside his desk and find his pencil,I put it inside my bag and leave school satisfied with what I found.

When I got to my house,I grab the pencil and put it inside my senpai shrine.

I wait till evening;planning on more murders while eating chips. I look at my watch and decide it's time to sleep.
Next morning I wake up even earlier than before and start preparing the torture studio. Which is in my basement.

When I'm done,I walk upstairs and start getting ready for school. I eat rice and bread,then head out.

As soon as I started walking,I heard Osana talking.

I hid behind a bush as I saw Osana and senpai walking together.

I tighten the grip of my hand and continued following. I hate watching this,but I have to make sure nothing happens in these walks.

When they got to school,I sighed in relief. Nothing special happened today. Good.

I start heading to the roof top where midori usually is. I will need to eliminate her before Osana comes up here at lunch.

Midori notices me and smiles. "Hey,yan-chan!" She says.

I don't greet her back and walk towards her.

She gives me a scared smile as she backs away. "yan-chan? Are you ok? Wanna text yandere dev??"

I take out a knife and stab her. I drag her body to a burning fire place so no evidence could be seen.

I Pat myself on the back as I grin. I'm such a great person.

I walk back to the rooftop and sit down. I wait till it's lunch time,and soon I heard the door open.

Osana walks towards me and gives a confused frown. "Ayano? Did you call me up here?"

"Yes" I reply.

"Look baka,if your gonna waist my time,I should just lea--"

Before she could say anything else,I slapped her.

She gave me a shocked look. But before she could ask anything,I hit her with a bat,making her unconscious.

I grab her body and put it inside a trash bag. There it goes! Good Osana!

I drag her body back to my place without anyone noticing. And then I locked her in the torturing chair.

Who's the baka now,huh?

A/N I luuuvs yandere simulator. I hate Osana so much,but I decided to give her a chance as a main character,just to see how it turns out. I hope to update soon,but I'm not sure. Hope y'all enjoyed this story! ^^

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