Chapter 2

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I do not own yandere simulator or the characters.

Osana pov.
I wake up and find myself locked into a chair. What the--?

I remember getting a note in my locker,and when I went to the rooftop I found...Ayano!

Where is that baka?! Did she do this?!.

I scan around the room and find a figure getting closer to me.

"Well,well. Look who woke up. A brat?" She murmured.

"Ayano! Did you do this?!" I ask.

"Indeed." She says.

I take a moment to observe what she's wearing. She's using a black suit and a she's holding something in her hand,but I don't know what it is.

"Why...?" I ask.

Her wicked grin turns into a frown and she glares at me.

"Because you like my senpai."

I widen my eyes. Is this why she tied me up a chair? Because of senpai??

"Are you serious?. Is that all this is about,baka? What are you gonna do now,huh? Kill me? Ha."

"Yes. But I will torture you first. That's why am wearing this suit. To not get any blood you spill,on me." She replied.

I stay silent. Is she a yandere?.

"I-i wasn't being serious!" I say,feeling terrified.

"Well I was." She said as she shows me the axe she was holding. "How about we start off by cutting some fingers∼?"

I widen my eyes as I realize she was being serious. I try to escape the tight locks on the chair but to my dismay,they were just too tight!.

I start crying and beg for my life. But ayano has no intention to listen to my whining.

I decide to trick her into not killing be by bribing her! The way too solve any problem!.

"Wait! Ayano! I have a deal!!". I say.

Ayano perks up her interest and raises an eyebrow at me. "Spit it."

"What if I tell you all about senpai,in exchange for letting me free?." I give a smug grin.

She instantly puts her axe back up. "Sorry,Hun. But I can't let you leave with you knowing who I really am."

There has got to be a way out!. I don't want to die!.

"I won't tell anyone! I promise!!. You can stalk me whenever you want and see I won't be saying anything about you!. I can introduce you to senpai!" I yell.

Ayano looks at me for a moment and then puts her axe down.

She unlocks the chains in the chair and let's me free. She then gives me a serious look.

"You will come here every day and tell me what you learn about senpai. You will introduce me to senpai. And you will not say anything about my identity. Deal?." She says as she reaches her hand towards me.

I smile at my bribing skills and I grab her hand.


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