Chapter 21

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I do not own yandere simulator or the characters.

Osana pov.
"Yaaawn" I wake up and put on my slippers. I look over at my phone to check if anythings new. Surprisingly,I got a message from ayano.


_can you come over to my house as soon as possible?_

Huh,how strange. It's a weekend and she wants me to visit her?. Is it for more information about senpai?. Oh,she left this message about an hour ago...How early does that idiot wake up?!.

Maybe. Why?

I left her a message and stood up from my bed. Might as well take a shower as I wait for a reply.

Before I could open the door,I hear my phone slightly ring.

I look back and check a new message from Ayano. Oh my god,do you seriously have nothing better to do??.

_i need to learn how to make a bento._

..I would like to teach her,but I can't be that straight forward!.

Hmm..I'll consider.


But before I leave,I really need to take a shower,I'll go to her house after.

Ayano pov.
Ok,now that Iv'e gotten that cleared up,I just need to...


_oh,I'm flattered you decided to text me after so much time. What is it you need?._

Is it true you were going to help Osana kill me?.

_im sorry you had to see it like that yan-chan. But it was just mere fun. I knew that if Osana tried to kill you,you would defend yourself by killing her off instead. The news about Osanas death would go wild!. I'm sure you would have covered up the murder and left no evidence. Your just so smart! So you see...I meant no harm._

How do I know your not lying?.

_dear,I have found nowone other than you that interest me. In a business kind of way,just to be clear._

Get to the point.

_everyone is BORING. Nowone can think like you do. You bring some kind of distinguish taste. Murders, tortures, matchmaking, framing...Who else can be as sick as you and me?._

Good point..

I hear a soft nock on the door and flinch a little. Who could it be?.

Thank you for the information. Got to go.

_i don't know why I should be thanked,but your welcome.

I close my phone and head to the door. I look outside the window to find Osana. What could she be doing here? It's a weekend.

I open the door and greet her.

"Hi,Osana. Why are you here?."

She puffs her cheeks and crosses her arms.

"You texted me to come here idiot!! Or did you forget with that little brain you have??."

I think for a second before remembering.

"Ah! Yes. Come in please."


She sits on the sofa pouting as she looks at the wall.

"What's wrong?." I ask.

She sighs and looks at the ground.

"Oh...It's nothing..."


I nod my head and head to the kitchen. "Alright. Can you teach me how to make bento now?"

She seemed a little flustered as she stood up from her seat and glared at me.

"I-idiot! When I girl says it's nothing,it's definitely something!!."

"Oh,is that so?."

"You should already know that! Your a girl you idiot!!."

"Wait. So what am I? A girl or an idiot?."


"Then what does that make you?."

"J-just shut up you i-idiot!!"

I shrug and lead her to my kitchen,were she grabs all the ingredients we would need.

"So...Why did you want me to teach you how to make a bento?."
Osana asks.

I sigh. "...Iv been wanting to give senpai a bento for some time now,but I either get distracted,or a rival appears..."

"Oh?. So when are you gonna give it to him?."

"Hmm...I think I'll give him a bento tomorrow at the school's cultural festival."

"Why don't you wait until Monday?. When it's a school day?. Their is still a chance of senpai not going to the cultural festival."

"Oh,senpai is going to the festival!."

"How are you so sure about that?."

"...I was just passing by his house when I heard him telling his mom he was leaving tomorrow to the school..."

"Aha,you were just "passing" by his house..Am I supposed to believe that?"

-------- 1 hour later

"It's done!."

I was staring at my masterpiece of a bento. It was great if I do say so myself...

"Idiot, that's amateur bento making."

"Your just jealous you can't make a bento."

"I was the one who tought you how to make a bento you idiot!!."

Osana sighs and rests her head in the counter.

"Your hopeless..."

"You flatter me."

She crosses her arms and heads towards the door.

"If you ever need help making something just ask me...J-just because your hopeless alright?! I definitely d-didn't have fun making a bento!. It was your imagination!. Idiot!. B-but in case you do n--"

I slam the door in her face.

"You talk to much."

"AAAAAAGH!!!." I could practically hear her screaming from the other side of the door. "IDIOOOT!!!!."

Some people just can't stop loving me
*cough* Osana *cough*

Anywho,I just discovered how to make bento!. Be prepared senpai!

You will receive a bento from your future wife soon!!.

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