Chapter Four

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Move in weekend flies by after Friday and before I know it, Monday is finally here.

It's the first day of classes and I am beyond thrilled. I don't have a hard schedule this semester and i'm very excited for it. One of the things I noticed that's different about Jessica and I are our class time preferences. I made sure I chose the early classes that way I have the rest of my afternoon free where Jessica scheduled afternoon classes to sleep in. My first class starts at nine and when my alarm starts to go off, I hit the snooze button fast so I don't wake her up. Jessica stirs in her bed and groans but doesn't open her eyes.

I shower in the bathroom that connects my room to the other dorm room with two girls beside us. Whitney and Kailey. I'm glad we share a bathroom and I don't have to share with thirty other people, including guys. That would be extremely awkward.

When i'm done in the shower, I brush my wet hair and put on the clothes I plan to wear today. I decide on white capris with a purple top and my Birkenstocks. I go to plug up my hair dryer and cringe, remembering Jessica is asleep. I turn to look back at her and feel guilty for the noise i'm about to make. I contemplate on not drying my hair but then I think: this is a part of dorm life. I'll apologize to her later.

I plug in my hair dryer and pray that my hair dries fast. I turn to look at Jessica who continues to lay dead asleep in her bed. She must be a heavy sleeper.

It takes me no time to dry my hair and the next thing I do is straighten it. After that, I brush my teeth and apply a little bit of makeup. Nothing too fancy like Jessica did Friday night.

I grab my book bag fully loaded with my textbook and binders I put in there last night, and then grab my schedule I printed off on my desk. With my keys in hand, I walk out of the room and lock the door before walking to my first class.

I walk across campus to the math hall where I have calculus for an hour before walking to the psychology building for my psychology class. After that I go to U.S. History before my last class of the day--the class i'm most excited about--British Literature.

I'm an English major and I love everything English but I mostly love Brit Lit. It's my favorite and I was so excited to take this course.

I walk into the English building just when other classes are getting out for the hour and i'm trapped in a swarm of other students coming and going. I pull out my schedule from my book bag to find the room number: 109.

I navigate my way straight back where the hall of classrooms are and start on the right side of the hallway. When I see that i'm down too far, I head left. Students are still coming out of rooms and as I try to walk down the crowded hallway while looking for my room, I bump into somebody.

As I stumble back, I feel gentle hands catch me and sturdy me from behind. Turning around, my eyes meet the most beautiful boy--no--man, i've ever seen.

The first thing I notice are his eyes. They're the most beautiful shade of hazel i've seen. Just the perfect amount of green and brown. The next thing I notice is his hair. It's dark brown, the same color as mine, and it's cut short but quaffed in an incredibly sexy way. It's the same color as the light stubble on his face.

Looking at him makes me start to ache in between my legs, and unfamiliar feeling. He makes me catch my breath and drop my mouth.

He is beautiful.

And sexy.

I've never felt like this from looking at a person of the opposite sex before.

He releases his hands from me slowly and I start to hurt when his touch is gone, oddly wanting it back. I continue to stare at him and even though I know I should look away, I can't.

"Are you alright?" He asks. His voice is smooth. Almost velvety.

All I can do is nod my head. "Y-yes. Thank you." I say, shocked I could manage those three words.

He doesn't stop looking at me. "It gets pretty crazy around here when classes are done."

He sounds experienced at this. Hell, he looks like he's experienced this before. He's got to be a senior, at least a junior, and it saddens me that he's older than me and that this will probably be the first and last time i'll ever see him.

"I noticed." I reply back to his statement.

He looks down at the watch on his wrist. "Well I need to get going for my next class. Have a good rest of your day."

Saddened that this short chat has come to an end, I turn and walk in the direction I was going, looking for room 109 again.

I feel his presence behind me as I walk down the hall and I turn my head slightly behind me to see him following me. Maybe he has a class farther down the hallway.

I eventually find room 109 and when I walk in, so does he. Maybe we have the same class together? I've noticed that people of all class ranks are mixed in every course. That's another thing i'm not used to yet.

When I walk in the room, I notice Collin sitting on the front row. He perks up when he sees me and points to the empty seat next to him, smiling. I smile back and walk to the desk, sliding in when I let my book bag drop to the floor.

"You're in Brit Lit?" I ask him. He smiles and nods.

"I didn't get to tell you that I, too, love reading and writing this past Friday," He says with a wink. It gives me butterflies again. What are the chances that Collin also loves reading and writing just like me? I would have never guessed this.

"Alright class, good afternoon. Welcome back from summer break..."

I turn my head to face the teacher and when I see him, his voice is drowned out. It's the guy from the hallway... Even as I sit beside Collin, I can't help but feel depression as I know now that my chances with this man just vanished. Well, it's not like I had any to begin with. It explains why he looks much older now.

He continues to welcome us to the class while passing out the syllabus and I stare at him in bewilderment. I'm also shocked at myself for getting turned on to my professor and how disappointed I am knowing that nothing can happen, even though i'm pretty sure it's illegal.

"Like this syllabus says, this is Brit Lit 1000 and I am Mr. Underwood," his eyes meet mine from the podium in the most chilling way possible.

"Your professor."

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