Chapter Six

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"You have a date tomorrow with Collin?" Jessica asks surprised. I told her how he was in my class and asked me to dinner and to do homework with him tomorrow before we left. Her face lit up in a big smile when I told her and she covered her mouth with her hands in a dramatic way. I bite my lip to keep from smiling so big and I nod my head at her. This is like the fourth time she's asked.

"Yeah, I do. We're going out to dinner and then doing homework together."

She gives me sly look and wiggles her eyebrows. "Homework. Right."

I roll my eyes at her and start to unpack my book bag to change my books out for tomorrow's classes. "Yeah, homework." I say in the same way she did, sarcastic and with excitement. 

I really am excited for my date with Collin, but this is also a study date. I'm one of those people who takes my school work seriously and now that she's being sly about it, I hope this isn't more on the date side than it is study. A good mix of both would be nice.

Jessica puts her hands on her hips and shifts to put all of her weight on her left leg. "I still can't believe this. Although I don't know why i'm so shocked. Chelsea told me that he couldn't stop talking about you to Connor this weekend."

This makes me immediately stop going through my bag. Collin was talking about me?

 I turn around slowly and look at Jessica.


She nods her head with a smile.

This makes me feel giddy. I've never been the kind of girl who get a lot of attention from guys. Well, I do but I don't. In high school, I was noticed just because I played sports. I like to consider my looks to be decent but nothing above that. The little attention I did get from guys in high school was at Molly's birthday party. Molly was a girl I played volleyball with and she was one of my closest friends. Her parents were going out of town for the weekend and she threw a "small" birthday party. She told me it was going to be just us girls on the team but when I showed up, I knew she lied. Guys from our school were everywhere, flooding the house. I tried to stay close to Molly and other girls I knew from the team but they kept drinking and snuggling up to their pick of the night. I tried to make my way to the bathroom to escape the chaos but Jordan Harrington stopped me in my tracks.

Jordan Harrington was a guy in my grade. He was tall, good looking, athletic, and every girl wanted him. He knew he was attractive and a favorite among the ladies which only heightened his incredibly obnoxious ego. He smiled at me and tried to talk me and he when he did, he got touchy. He put his free hand - the one that wasn't gripping his cup of beer - on my waist and I swatted it away. He found that funny and like I was trying to play hard to get so he stepped closer to me and asked if I wanted to go to a bedroom with him. He was subtle about it due to the alcohol he had consumed but if it was any other girl other than me, they would've accepted the offer before he could finish asking.

Other than him, I had another guy try to make a pass at me at junior prom which proved my theory that all guys at my school were just a waste of time. That's another reason why I didn't date anyone. There was no one there that I thought would be a good match for me or was worth the time. I knew that when I got to this point, in college, things would end so I decided to save myself the heartbreak. I'm a planner for the future.

"Collin's a great guy from the little that I know about him." Jessica says. "I went to the beach with them this past summer and he was the most mature out of all of them. I got to talk to him a lot." 

Hearing her say this makes me a little jealous. I wonder if they got close on their trip and something happened. I can't be mad or upset at them if they did anything since that happened before I met them, it would just be disappointing.

"Come on," Jessica says perkily, interrupting my negative thoughts. "Let's find you something to wear!"

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