Chapter Forty

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I wake up the next morning feeling more nauseous than last night. The now half-empty-with-vomit trashcan beside my bed is the first thing I see when I open my eyes. The sight of the vomit, mixed with the smell, causes me to hurl again. 

I hear the dorm to the room open but I don't look up until i'm done throwing up.

It's Jessica.

She's looking at me with a scowl until she sees how weak I look, and her look softens.

"Are you contagious?" she asks, cautiously stepping into the room.

I shake my head. "I don't know. I just started throwing up all of sudden last night and I haven't stopped since. Collin had to take me home early, I think it was something I ate."

I see her to contain her amused grin when I tell her the part about Collin. I try to glare my eyes at her but I stop. It's too much work to scowl right now.

Jessica walks to her side of the room and sets her bag down on her bed and starts unpacking it.

"Maybe it's the stomach bug," she suggests.

I sigh, still feeling queasy. "Whatever it is, sucks."

"Just lysol everything you touch. I'm not trying to get sick," she says. Jessica stops unpacking her bag and looks up to me slowly with wide eyes. "Have you... done anything recently?" she asks.

I narrow my eyes at her. "What do you mean done anything?"

Jessica hesitates. She starts to fidget with her zipper of her duffel bag.

"Like... have you..." her voice stops.

What the hell is she asking me?

I stare at her with narrowed eyes, completely not understanding what she's hinting at but then it hits me... It really hits me...

Oh my God.

I throw up once more.

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