Chapter Twelve

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Late Thursday night, I get an email from Professor Underwood. I pause when I look at my screen and my heart start to beat rapidly until I see it's an email sent out to the whole class telling us class is cancelled tomorrow.

I'm oddly disappointed that there's no class and I can't tell if that's because that's my favorite class or if it's the fact that I won't get to see him.

When classes are over Friday, I wait in the dorm room for Jessica to get back. I'm laying on my bed reading Pride and Prejudice when my phone vibrates. Grabbing it from my desk beside my bed, I see it's a text from Collin.

"I can't wait to see you tonight :)" it reads. 

I smile slightly and respond:

"I can't wait to see you too!"

I am excited to see Collin and I try to force myself to stop thinking about Professor Underwood. Last night I had a dream that was a replay of what happened in his office on Wednesday except in this dream, he had successfully taken my clothes off and I had taken off his. He had me bent over the desk in his office and was just about to fuck me when my alarm went off and woke me up. When I opened my eyes, I looked down and saw my hand inside my panties. I wished it was his hand instead.

This behavior is so different for me. My hand in my underwear, dreaming naughty things about my professor, what happened Wednesday in his office... 

A few hours after Jessica returns from classes, we start to get ready for the party. I straighten my brown hair and put on a red tank top with high waisted shorts and my converse. Once Jessica is ready, we leave the dorm. Chelsea is waiting on us in the same spot she picked us up last time and she greets us with smiles.

When we get to the frat house, I see the same scene as last week. The music is loud again too making me feel the vibrations in my chest. I'm going to lose my hearing one day if I keep coming to these parties.

The three of us walk into the house and head straight for the back. Collin and Connor are playing beer pong once more and when Collin sees me, he steps away from the table to hug me. I wrap my arms around his torso and he pulls me into his chest with a big smile. I smell his expensive cologne and linger in his arms longer than I should sniffing his chest.

"Hang on, we're almost done." he tells me when we release.

Chelsea, Jessica, and I stand back and watch Collin and Conner win another game. Collin takes my hand when they're finished and smiles at me. "Want to take a walk?" he asks. Red flags instantly go up in my mind, I remember my mom giving me a talk before I left for college about these types of situations. She told me to never go somewhere alone with anyone, especially a guy, at a party no matter how you think you might trust them.

But Collin seems trustworthy enough and maybe I need to take a walk with him to get over my little thought about Professor Underwood. We had a nice date last week and he is more of the type of guy I need to think about anyways.

"Yeah, okay." I say with a smile.

Collin turns back around to the group. "We're going to go off for a little bit." he says.

Jessica looks at me with a smug smiles and wiggles her eyebrows. I feel myself blush and I nervously push a strand of hair behind my ear, starting to feel giddy. Collin takes my hand in his and leads us back through the house. We pass everyone in the small living space before he takes us outside to the front yard. I assume we're walking through the neighborhood but he takes us to this car instead. I pause when he opens the car door for me and his cute smile turns into a frown.

"Something wrong?" he asks.

"You said we were going for a walk?" I say more in a question.

"We are. I'm going to take you to one of my favorite spots around here."

I don't know about this. Getting in the car with him late at night after he has been drinking some when I don't even know him that well doesn't seem like a good idea. It only raises the red flags more.

Collin shifts on his feet and gives me a cute, small smile. "Trust me?" he asks.

I look at him. Do I? Do I really know enough about him to trust him after one date? Absolutely not. But since I haven't been thinking rationally lately anyways, I take a deep breath and look at him.

"Yes." I say.

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